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Audit informations

Using this API, audit informations can be retrieved as per the request provided.

Resource Informations

Requires authentication?Yes
Rate limited?No


Request headers

AuthorizationBearer token

HTTP request URL for SSMS

POST https://{tenantId}.{hostname}/digitanium/v4/monitor/audit?limit=<limit>&offset=<offset>

HTTP request URL for SHIFT

POST https://{hostname}/auth/realms/{tenantId}/v3_monitor/{auditItems}?limit=<limit>&offset=<offset>

At this moment, this API is applicable only for SSMS based installations.


API requests must be made over https. Calls made over plain http will fail.


Parameter NameTypeDescription
limitIntegerprovide limit
offsetIntegerprovide offset

Request body(*Required)

Field NameTypeDescription
  • KernelAuditingFilter | Object | Filters to be applied for retrieving response,The date from must be chronologically before the to date.Either from date or to date must be present in request.

Sample Request

"auditAction": 0,
"auditSubject": 0,
"details": null,
"from": "20042019",
"moduleId": null,
"operatorName": null,
"operatorRoleId": 0,
"subjectId": null,
"to": 21042019


Field NameTypeDescription
messageStringMessage explains result of the API call. Refer Response status Information for details.
statusStringThe status of the API call. Refer Response status Information for details.
subSystemIntegersubSystem categorizes the type of API that has been called. Refer Subsystem details for details.
dataObjectReceived auditing information
auditingFilterUsedObjectFilters applied for retrieving auditing information
auditingInfoItemsObjectAuditing information
moreResultsAvailableBooleanThere are presently no more response elements accessible if the MoreResultsAvailable response element returns false. True if there are more results available to fetch. Defaults to false.

Sample Response

"data": {
"auditingFilterUsed": {
"from": "20042019",
"limit": 10,
"moduleId": "kernel",
"offset": 0,
"to": "21042019"
"auditingInfoItems": [],
"moreResultsAvailable": false
"message": "Received Response",
"status": "OK",
"subSystem": 4

Response Status Information

Status CodeStatusMessage
200OKReceived Response.
400INVALID_ARGUMENTEither to date or from date must be present both could not be null.
401UnauthorizedHTTP 401 Unauthorized.
400Not FoundUnable to extract parameter from http request.