Connector Error Codes (SubSystem 774)
SubSystem | ErrorCode | Http Code | Name | Details and Troubleshooting | Console Message |
774 | 10 | 400 | UpstreamInvalidResponse | message: String? = null | |
774 | 11 | 400 | UpstreamInvalidErrorMessage | Exception while parsing the Error which is coming from the upstream service. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = null |
774 | 12 | 500 | UpstreamRequestError | Exception while sending request to the upstream service. Check the response for additional details. | throwable.message |
774 | 13 | 500 | UpstreamConnectionPoolTooBusyError | Exception as upstream service's connection pool is busy while sending request to it. Try again, or increase the maxPoolSize for REST WebClient | throwable.message |
774 | 14 | 500 | UpstreamRequestTimeoutError | Exception as upstream service's response is late. Try again, or increase the timeout for REST WebClient | throwable.message |
774 | 15 | 500 | UpstreamConnectTimeoutError | Exception while trying to connect upstream service to send a request. Try again, or increase the connectTimeout for REST WebClient | throwable.message |
774 | 400 | 400 | BadRequest | Invalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = null |
774 | 400 | 400 | ValidationFieldLength | "[Bad Request] Validation error for body application/json: provided string should have size <= $maxLength for field $fieldName" | |
774 | 401 | 401 | Unauthorized | message: String? = "Unauthorized" | |
774 | 403 | 403 | Forbidden | message: String? = "Forbidden" | |
774 | 404 | 404 | NotFound | Resource not found. Check that the called URL is correct. | message: String? = "Not Found" |
774 | 405 | 405 | MethodNotAllowed | HTTP Method is not allowed. Check the OpenAPI specification to see which endpoints support which HTTP modes. | message: String? = "Method Not Allowed" |
774 | 406 | 400 | UnprocessableEntity | message: String? = null | |
774 | 500 | 500 | InternalError | message: String? = null | |
774 | 501 | 501 | NotImplementedError | The called endpoint is not yet implemented. Check that the installed service version is correct. | message: String? = "Not Implemented" |
774 | 4001 | 400 | MissingRequiredField | Missing required field in Json object. Ensure all the required fields available in the Json object, check the response for missing field. | "Missing required field '$fieldName'" + (location?.let { " in $location" } ?: "") |
774 | 4002 | 400 | MalformedField | Malformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details. | "Malformed field '$fieldName'" + (location?.let { " in $it" } ?: "") + (reason?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
774 | 4003 | 400 | InvalidAutoCompleteJson | Exception while parsing AutoComplete json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Autocomplete, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing autocomplete: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4004 | 400 | InvalidSectionJson | Exception while parsing Section json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Section, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Section: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4005 | 400 | InvalidExpandedSectionJson | Exception while parsing ExpandedSection json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the ExpandedSection, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing ExpandedSection: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4006 | 400 | InvalidAutoCompleteListJson | Exception while parsing AutoCompleteList json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the AutoCompleteList, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing AutocompleteList: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4007 | 400 | InvalidBannerJson | Exception while parsing Banner json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Banner, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Banner: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4008 | 400 | InvalidImageReferenceJson | Exception while parsing ImageReference json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the ImageReference, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing ImageReference: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4009 | 400 | InvalidLocalizableImageJson | Exception while parsing ImageReference json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the ImageReference, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing LocalizableImage: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4010 | 400 | InvalidServiceTagJson | Exception while parsing ServiceTag json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the ServiceTag, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing ServiceTag: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4011 | 400 | InvalidSpotlightJson | Exception while parsing Spotlight json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Spotlight, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Spotlight: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4012 | 400 | InvalidLocalizableJson | Exception while parsing Localizable json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Localizable, check the response for additional details | "Error parsing Localizable: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4013 | 400 | InvalidLocaleElementJson | Exception while parsing LocaleElement json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the LocaleElement, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing LocaleElement: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4014 | 400 | InvalidSearchJson | Exception while parsing Search json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Search, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing search: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4015 | 400 | InvalidServiceListJson | Exception while parsing ServiceList json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the ServiceList, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Service List: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4016 | 400 | InvalidServiceJson | Exception while parsing Service json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Service, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Service: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4017 | 400 | InvalidSectionListJson | Exception while parsing SectionList json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the SectionList, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Section List: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4018 | 400 | InvalidLayoutJson | Exception while parsing Layout json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Layout, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Layout: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4019 | 400 | InvalidImageResponse | Exception while parsing Image json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Image, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Image: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4020 | 400 | InvalidCommandJson | Exception while parsing Command json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the Command, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Command: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4021 | 400 | InvalidSectionV2Json | Exception while parsing SectionV2 json. Ensure respected json is convertable to the SectionV2, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing SectionV2: <${error.message}>" |
774 | 4022 | 400 | InvalidSectionListV2Json | "Error parsing Section List V2: <${error.message}>" | |
774 | 5010 | 412 | VersionPreconditionFailed | Cannot execute request against expected version. Please wait a little bit, and retry again | "Waiting for version $expectedVersion timed out" |
774 | status.code() | status | GenericHttpError | message ?: status.reasonPhrase() |
Additional Details and Troubleshooting
Deprecated Errors Table
SubSystem | ErrorCode | Http Code | Name | Details and Troubleshooting | Console Message |
774 | 5001 | 404 | ServiceNotFound | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Service $serviceId not found" |
774 | 5002 | 404 | SectionNotFound | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Section $serviceId not found" |
774 | 5003 | 404 | TenantNotFound | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Tenant $tenant not found" |
774 | 5004 | 404 | BranchNotFound | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Branch $branch not found" |
774 | 5005 | 404 | BranchExistsAlready | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Branch $branch in tenant $tenant exists already" |
774 | 5006 | 400 | WrongUlidSequence | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Event $ulid with prev ulid $prevUlid has not match with the last known ulid $currentLastUlid" |
774 | 5007 | 500 | UnexpectedTenantMapEvent | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent" |
774 | 5008 | 500 | UnexpectedBranchMapEvent | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent" |
774 | 5009 | 500 | UnexpectedViewEvent | Moved to cqrs-lib since 5.0.0 | "Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent" |
Error Codes between 11-15
These error codes are related with REST communication between internal smartscreen services.
Try to adjust RestServices.WebClientOptions
parameters with respect to your current system load, and resources.
Error Codes between 4001-4021
These error codes related with JSON parsing
. Try to understand what is exactly failing from the response details.
If not, contact with smartscreen team.
Error Codes between 7000-7999
These error codes are reserved for Smartscreen CQRS Library
which is responsible everything about the CQRS pattern.
If you see these errors, please check Smartscreen CQRS Library error codes documentation for better understanding.
If not, contact with smartscreen team.