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OIDC Debugger Test

OIDC Debugger Tool :

We can test our OpenID Configuration with the OIDC Debugger Tool.

Authorize URLAuthorization Endpoint value on mID Provider Dashboard
Redirect URIThe URL to return after a successful login process
Client IDThe application/client name we created
ScopeDetailed info of the OpenID request scope information
NonceA random string value
Response TypeReturning answer
Response ModeHow the response will return

KOBIL OpenID Implementation KOBIL OpenID Implementation

After we fill these fields correct, OIDC Debugger creates a URL for us. This URL is the address we start the login process.

The URL created in our test:


You can reach the login page with this URL and carry out the login process.

KOBIL OpenID Implemenataion

After we have approved the login on our mobile application, authorization code will be sent as a query parameter to the Redirect-URL address that we have already specified.

KOBIL OpenID Implementation

We can get the information of the user, that logged in using the authorization code we received, with the Token Endpoint address.

You can find the Token Endpoint address on your panel. In our case, it is as below:


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Grant_typeThe method by which a login request is made
CodeThe login info that returns from the authorization server
Client_idThe application/client name we created
Client_secretSpecified key value for the application
Redirect_uriSame URL as the Redirect-URL sent to the Authorization Server

NOTE: Since the authorization code is valid for a short period, you may get an error message as below when you do this process. If you try immediately after the authorization code is generated, you will get a successful result.

"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Code not valid"

When you get a successful result, you will see the response as shown below. Here when we decode the id token value, we can reach the user’s info.

KOBIL OpenID Implementation

Here is the decoded id token output:

KOBIL OpenID Implementation