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Prerequisites for Implementation

OpenID Settings

  1. Navigate to relevant page on mID Provider dashboard for OpenID configuration.
  2. Choose Clients on the left side menu to open the Client Applications page.
  3. Click on the create button to create a New Client Application.

KOBIL OpenID Configuration

  1. You can define your name into the Client ID and click on the save button.

KOBIL OpenID Configuration

  1. After creating a new client, the dashboard will display all necessary information to fill in order to use in your Web App development.

  2. You can complete by defining all the links as shown in the picture below. (If you enter “*” into the Redirect-URL field, it means all the links are allowed.)

KOBIL OpenID Configuration

  1. To find out the client secret for the specific client application that you created, make sure the Access type is set to confidentialand click on the save button.

KOBIL OpenID Configuration