Transition Guide (iOS/Swift)
This file helps of finding the corresponding calls of MS8b and events of the MasterController. For further information about the calls and events itself, please use the documentation of either MS8b or MasterController.
The MS8b was an interface based connection between the app and the SDK. This interface needed to be implemented and was the central interface. The MasterController is now an event based connection between the app and the SDK. You need to implement an event interface where you can send and receive events from or to the SDK.
You created a class where all the callbacks were received inside the app. This was handover
Previously you used
- (AstStatus)init:(NSString*)locale version:(NSString*)version appName:(NSString*)appName logLevel:(AstLogLevel)logLevel NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
to start the SDK. This call was followed up by
func getAppConfigParameter(_ type: AstConfigParameter) -> [Any]?
Which takes the configuration of the SDK
You get an instance of the MasterController by calling
+ (id<KSAsyncEventReceiver, KSEcoModulInterface, KSEventSource> _Nullable) getMasterControllerWithParmeter: (NSString* _Nonnull) param andConsumer: (id<KSAsyncEventReceiver> _Nonnull) consumer;
The instance you receive is then used to send events to the MasterController.
For MasterController you provide a @interface KSMStartEvent : KsMacroEvent
which takes all the necessary configurations
- (instancetype _Nonnull) initWithSsmsAppConfiguration: (KSMSsmsAppConfiguration *_Nonnull) ssmsAppConfiguration scpConfig: (NSString*_Nonnull) scpConfig certificateChain: (NSData* _Nonnull) certificateChain configurationData: (KSMConfigurationData* _Nonnull) configurationData NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
As a response you will receive @interface KSMStartResultEvent : KsMacroEvent
Depending on the status you need either to login or activate.
If you have no activated users/accounts on the device, you will get the activation callback/event after the successful init of the SDK or MasterController. The KSMStartActivationUserIdAndCodeOnlyEvent
is just an information event.
MS8b | MasterController | Description |
onActivationBegin | KSMStartActivationUserIdAndCodeOnlyEvent | Start of activation flow |
KSMProvideActivationCodeAndUserIdEvent | ||
KSMStartActivationSetPINEvent | ||
KSMProvideSetPinEvent | ||
onActivationEnd | KSMActivationResultEvent | End of activation flow |
The activation process is the sequence of the three calls:
func onActivationBegin(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType)
- (void)doActivation:(AstDeviceType)deviceType pin:(NSString*)pin userId:(NSString*)userId activationCode:(NSString*)activationCode;
func onActivationEnd(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, status: AstStatus)
After those calls you are either logged in or need to login.
The process is now split up into two steps.
First step is to send user ID and activation code to the MasterController.
@interface KSMStartActivationUserIdAndCodeOnlyEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMProvideActivationCodeAndUserIdEvent : KsMacroEvent
This is followed up by sending the PIN to the MasterController.
@interface KSMStartActivationSetPINEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMProvideSetPinEvent : KsMacroEvent
For the result you will also receive an event which gives you the status of the activation process. After That you are either logged in or need to login
@interface KSMActivationResultEvent : KsMacroEvent
If you have already activated users/accounts on the device, you will get the login callback/event after the successful init of the SDK or MasterController. The KSMStartLoginEvent
is just an information event.
MS8b | MasterController | Description |
onLoginBegin | KSMStartLoginEvent | Start of login flow |
doLogin | KSMLoginEvent | Trigger the login process |
onLoginEnd | KSMLoginResultEvent | Get the result of the login process |
func onLoginBegin(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, userIdList: [Any])
- (void)doLogin:(AstDeviceType)deviceType pin:(NSString*)pin userId:(NSString*)userId;
func onLoginEnd(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, status: AstStatus, loginOtp: String?, userId: String?, retryCounter: Int32, retryDelay: Int32)
The new events are similar to MS8b
@interface KSMStartLoginEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMLoginEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMLoginResultEvent : KsMacroEvent
MS8b | MasterController | Description |
KSMTriggerBannerEvent | Information about an available transaction | |
onTransactionBlockBegin | KSMStartTransactionEvent | Start closure for transactionflow |
onPinRequiredBegin | KSMTransactionPinRequiredRequestEvent | Start to verify the PIN |
doPinRequired | KSMProvidePinEvent | Trigger verification of the PIN |
onPinRequiredEnd | KSMProvidePinResultEvent | Result of PIN verification |
onTransactionBegin | KSMDisplayConfirmationRequestEvent | Reception of the transaction information |
doTransaction | KSMDisplayConfirmationEvent | Confirm or decline of the transaction |
onTransactionEnd | KSMDisplayConfirmationResultEvent | Result of the confirmation or the decline |
onTransactionBlockEnd | KSMTransactionFinishedEvent | Indication that the transactionflow is finished |
For MS8b the SDK triggered the calls for the transaction itself and you had to react to it. All other SDK calls were then blocked by this process.
The calls that are wrapped around the transaction callbacks are
func onTransactionBlockBegin(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, timeout: UInt32)
func onTransactionBlockEnd(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType)
If a PIN is needed for security reasons
func onPinRequiredBegin(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, pinReason: AstPinReason)
- (void)doPinRequired:(AstDeviceType)deviceType confirm:(AstConfirmation)confirm pin:(NSString*)pin
func onPinRequiredEnd(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, status: AstStatus, retryCounter: Int32)
The transaction calls which require the confirmation are
func onTransactionBegin(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, displayData: String?, confirmationType: AstConfirmationType)
- (void)doTransaction:(AstDeviceType)deviceType confirm:(AstConfirmation)confirm displayData:(NSString*)displayData;
func onTransactionEnd(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, status: AstStatus)
In the MasterController you will receive an event which tells you, that there is a transaction available, which you can then request when you are ready.
The event telling that a transaction is available is
@interface KSMTriggerBannerEvent : KsMacroEvent
The MasterController is not blocked by this event flow until you trigger it.
Now you can start the event flow for the Transaction by sending the event to the MasterController
@interface KSMStartTransactionEvent : KsMacroEvent
If you need extra security there is still the opportunity for using a PIN inside the transaction.
@interface KSMTransactionPinRequiredRequestEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMProvidePinEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMProvidePinResultEvent : KsMacroEvent
The transaction calls with the information and to be confirmed are
@interface KSMDisplayConfirmationRequestEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMDisplayConfirmationEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMDisplayConfirmationResultEvent : KsMacroEvent
The transaction process is wrapped up by the event
@interface KSMTransactionFinishedEvent : KsMacroEvent
Change PIN
MS8b | MasterController | Description |
doPinChangeRequest | KSMStartChangePinEvent | Ask for possibility of changing the pin |
onPinChangeBegin | KSMStartSetNewPinEvent | Start of PIN change flow |
doPinChange | KSMProvideSetNewPinEvent | Provide old and new PIN |
onPinChangeEnd | KSMChangePinResultEvent | Result of PIN change |
For changing the PIN it is necessary to request the SDK for permission that it can trigger some communication flags that are needed.
- (void)doPinChangeRequest:(AstDeviceType)deviceType;
func onPinChangeBegin(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, status: AstStatus)
- (void)doPinChange:(AstDeviceType)deviceType confirm:(AstConfirmation)confirm currentPin:(NSString*)currentPin newPin:(NSString*)newPin;
func onPinChangeEnd(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, status: AstStatus, retryCounter: Int32)
Also for the change PIN in the MasterController it is needed to ask for permission because the MasterController also needs to set some communication flags.
Therefore the flow of calls is close to the same like in MS8b
@interface KSMStartChangePinEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMStartSetNewPinEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMProvideSetNewPinEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMChangePinResultEvent : KsMacroEvent
func onAlert(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, subSystem: UInt32, errorCode: UInt32)
func onReport(_ deviceType: AstDeviceType, reportId: Int32)
@interface KSMWarningEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMErrorRuntimeEvent : KsMacroEvent
@interface KSMErrorFatalEvent : KsMacroEvent