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RuntimeErrorEvent Error Codes

This runtime exeception can happen while developing and contain helpful informations or on run time. In this case app is not functional any more and triggers an automatic restart event. Listed are only view

800000001kNotExistScpConfigOnStartRuntimeErrorSDK config not existHelpful while developing see if file is installed
800000002kUnexpectedErrorGetScpConfigOnStartRuntimeErrorError retriving SDK ConfigHelpful while developing see if file is installed
800000003kNotExistStatusGetResultEventOnStartRuntimeErrorSCP Config not existHelpful while developing see if file is installed
800000004kUnknownStatusGetResultEventOnStartRuntimeErrorUnexpected error during get SCP ConfigHelpful while developing see if file is installed
800000005kSCPConfigJsonParseRuntimeErrorParse error of SCP ConfigUC37StartMCWithoutUrls
801000008kSdkConfigParsingFailedRaised if it it was not possible to parse the sdk configmaybe file is corrupt or not existant
801000009kVerifyingSdkConfigFailedRaised if it was not possible to verify the sdk configmaybe file is corrupt
800000190kMcConfigJsonParseRuntimeErrorMC config json parse errorUC37StartMCWithoutUrls
800000191kMcConfigJsonMissingScpSectionRuntimeErrorMissing scp section in mc config jsonUC37StartMCWithoutUrls
800000192kMcConfigJsonMissingTokenIssuerUrlRuntimeErrorMissing token issuer url in scp section of mc config jsonUC37StartMCWithoutUrls
800000193kMcConfigJsonMissingIamSectionRuntimeErrorMissing iam section in mc config jsonUC37StartMCWithoutUrls
800000194kMcConfigJsonMissingSmartScreenSectionRuntimeErrorMissing smart screen scection in mc config jsonUC37StartMCWithoutUrls
800000197kMcConfigJsonMissingIamRuntimeErrorMissing client id in iam section of mc config jsonUC37StartMCWithoutUrls

For legacy reasons we needed to keep the old Subsystem/ErrorCode logic here. Given the one error code MCSDK is providing, the least six significant digits are the ErrorCode while the remaining most significant digits are the SubSystem

Error CodeSybsystemDescriptionTroubleshooting
632, 102, 202, 602The user credentials folder cannot be parsed for user credentials. Normally the path is invalid or not accessible.Secure storage of a device not available. User should unlock device before MCSDK usage