KOBIL App Security
KOBIL App Security is a combination of app and server side security functions, to protect your app and the identity of the user of your app. If provides
- protection against other apps on same device ('App Shielding hardens your app')
- secure communication to server
- secure user registration
- secure user account activation and login ('Trusted Login')
- secure user transaction confirmation ('Transaction Signature' - 'TMS')
- secure communication to web server ('Trusted WebView' - 'TWV')
- secure IDP-Token ('Single Sign On') - only with KOBIL Shift Lite solution
Note: One user account can have activated on multiple devices.
Master Controller SDK
By using the MasterController SDK in your app, you can add easily security to your app. A KOBIL Secured app is always tied together with one KOBIL Security Server installation, to prevent various security attacks. Therefore such an app always contains configuration parameter to reach securely this server, e.g. URLs and trusted TLS server certificates. When a user account is activated, some security relevant data is stored on app side, that are only usable in combination with the server side.
KOBIL Security Server
The KOBIL Security Server manages and protects the apps and the user accounts. Depending on the solution it does it in combination with KOBIL IDP Services. One KOBIL Security Server installation can protect multiple apps, if needed separated in multiple tenants. It is available for on premises or in cloud installations.