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Forgot Password

Once the account has been activated, users can utilize the Forgot Password feature to create a new password by entering their user ID, activation code, and new password. The activation code can be obtained using the Postman Collection API. Refer How to get activation code.

KSSIDP Forgot Password flow diagram for KOBIL Shift Lite

The event flow diagram illustrates the sequence of events during the forgot password process for KOBIL Shift Lite - KSSIDP.


KssIdpForgotPassword function, acts as the bridge between the user interface and the identity provider. Function utilizes the forgotPin method from kssIdpWrapper to trigger the forgot pin process, with the result being handled by the handleResult function.

Triggering KssIdpForgotPassword (Swift/iOS)
func KssIdpForgotPassword(
clientId: String,
credentials: [String: String]) {

self.kssIdpWrapper.forgotPin(clientId: clientId,
credentials: credentials) { resultObject, _ in
handleResult(resultObject: resultObject)


Following function utilizes the forgotPin method from KssIdp Instance to trigger the forgot password process, with the result being handled by the onResultReceived listener.

Triggering KssIdpForgotPassword (Android/Kotlin)

fun triggerKssIdpForgotPassword(
clientId: String,
credentials: HashMap<String, String>,
onResultReceived: ((result: ResultObject) -> Unit)? = onResultReceivedCallback
) {
launchIO {
KssIdp.getInstance()?.forgotPin(clientId, credentials, onResultReceived)?.then {
// handle result

Request params

Parameters which are used in KSSIDP Forgot password are explained below:

clientId: This value would be provided by the KOBIL IDP services.
credentials: {
"username": VALUE-TO-PASS,
"activation-code": VALUE-TO-PASS,
"new-password": VALUE-TO-PASS

To get more info about MC usage during the KSSIDP flows, please check the CreateHttpCommonRequest and SetAuthorisationCode events.

All Platforms

As response to ForgotPin Event, KSSIDP sends KssIdpResultObject with appropriate status.