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There are two susbsystems from where you can get error in KSSIDP. 580 - IDP errors 513 - AST errors

The few errors and their corresponding error codes triggered by KSSIDP are listed below.

IDP errors

Error CodeError Description
001Wrong User Name
002Wrong Password
003Activation Code Not Provided
004User Not Found
005Activation Code Expired
006Activation Code Invalid
007Current Password Not Provided
008New Password Not Provided
009Incorrect Old Password
010Invalid Credentials
011Invalid Credentials, You have only {0} attempts remaining
012Invalid password: must not be equal to any of last {0} passwords.
013Invalid password: minimum length {0}.
014Invalid password: maximum length {0}.
015Invalid password: must contain at least {0} lower case characters.
016Invalid password: must contain at least {0} numerical digits.
017Invalid password: must contain at least {0} upper case characters.
018Invalid password: must contain at least {0} special characters.
019Invalid password: must not be equal to the username.
020Invalid password: must not be equal to the email.
021Invalid password: fails to match regex pattern(s).
022Invalid password: password is blacklisted.
023Invalid password: new password does not match password policies.
026User is Temporarily locked for {0} seconds
027User is currently disabled, Please contact admin.
031Passwords don't match.
032You are already authenticated as different user {0} in this session. Please log out first.
033Cookie not found. Please make sure cookies are enabled in your browser.
034Username is already taken, provide a unique username.
035Alias Username is required.
036Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider.

AST errors

Error CodeError Description
503The service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.
5001The application has encountered an unknown error
5002Decryption failed with message '$message'
5003Deriving keys failed with message '$message'
5004A database operation has failed unexpectedly
5005Database Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
5006Kafka Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
50010Encountered an outbox item with the unknown topic routing key '$key'
4001Missing required $location field in a request payload.
4002Malformed $location" + (reason?.let { "\n Reason: $it" } ?: "")
4003Malformed request body" + (reason?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
4004Algorithm identifier '$alg' unknown
4005SSMS kex payload validation failed
4006AST client data session payload is missing or incomplete
4007The AST client ID in the request URI(pathClientId) does not match the AST clientdata(pathClientId)
4031Device binding verification failed
4032Client is locked
4033Version is not registered yet
4034Version is locked
4035App checksum is incorrect
4036Login with an unactivated client
4037Signature or MAC verification failed during mKEX authentication: $message
4041Client with clientId $astClientId in tenant $tenant was not foun
4042A link between clientId $astClientId and user tenant/tenant/tenant/user was not found
4043Version could not be found for tenant: $tenant, appName: $appName, version: $version and platform: $platform
4044The session info for astClientId $astClientId and preMasterSecretId $secretId was not found
4045Public Key could not be found for tenant: $tenant and keyId $keyId
4091A client with the same ID already exists
4092Client $astClientId and user tenant/tenant/tenant/user are already linked
5021Error calling $method $requestUri" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
5022Invalid response from $method $requestUri" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
5023Invalid error response from $method $requestUri" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
5024Executing '$command' against Redis failed" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
5041The request to Redis timed out
60The configured $purpose truststore file at $file does not exist
61A trust store is required for SSL mode $mode, but none are configured