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Status Type Evaluation

If something goes wrong then the result event will indicate that the operation was successful or not

enum valueDescription
kOkThe process was completed successfully.
kUpdateAvailableAn update of the app is available. (Info only)
kAppRegisteredWill be sent from SSMS to the app when the app registration was successful. (Info only). The App must restart the SDK itself.
kUserCancelThe user cancelled a process, e.g. a transaction.
kUserConfirmationTimeoutThe process was cancelled by a timeout.
kInvalidPinThe user entered a wrong pin.
kUnknownVersionActivation and Logon process: The app has a wrong version.
kUnknownClientTypeActivation and Logon process: The app has a wrong client type.
kUpdateNecessaryThis version of the app was replace by a newer one and the user must update.
kWrongCredentialsActivation and Logon process: The user ID, activation code or the PIN are incorrect.
kUnknownCertificateUser removed on the ssms server
kInternalErrorAn internal error occurred during the process, usually a Runtimer Error
kActivationCodeExpiredActivation process: The activation code expired.
kLockedCertificateUser locked on ssms server
kLockedUserUser locked on ssms server
kPropertyNotExistsRequested property is not stored on SSMS or local DataBase.
kInvalidKeyLengthProperty key is too long.
kNotUniqueSent property string is not unique for this user.
kTextTooLongSent property string is too long.
kInvalidStateThe MasterController is in a state where it cannot proceed the corresponding event.
kInvalidParameterOne of the parameters of the invoked event has an invalid format
kInvalidUserIdThe given userID is invalid (e.g. no user credentials are available)
kUserIdAlreadyExistsUser credentials already exists for the given userID at the user credential path
kRegisterAppThe app is not registered at SSMS
kMismatchedUserThe certificate does not match to the user (e.g. typing error for the userID)
kNegativeA negative status has been occured usually this comes with an additional errorCode and subSystem
kReadOnlyRequested property is a read only property
kTemporaryLockedLogon process: The user ID is temporary locked by entering wrong PINs.
kNotSuspendedResume has been invoked although MasterController had not been suspended before
kInvalidPasswordInvalid password for the keystorage was provided
kPasswordBlockedPassword for the keytorage is blocked
kAtcExpiresSoonThe ATC used for the OfflineFunctions will soon expire
kAtcExpiredThe ATC used for the OfflineFunctions is expired
kNotReachableOperation could not be completed, because connection to SSMS was lost
kPinBlockedThe PIN is blocked
kAccessDeniedThe requested property cannot be accessed by the App
kPropertyExistsThe requested property exists
kTenantIdAlreadySetIf the Tenant ID has already been set in the sdk config, it is not allowed to set it via doActivation. If a user still tries to set it this status code is returned with onActivationEnd */
kUninitializedThe underlaying module necessary to execute the invoked event is uninitialised
kFailedThe execution of the invoked event failed. Usually this cannot be fixed from App side and a Restart is necessary
kLoginRequiredThe execution of tehinvoked event requires an online login
kAlreadyInitializedThe underlaying module necessary to execute the invoked event is already initialised
kGlobalPinSetActivation was successful and the global PIN for the given user had been set
kUpdateAvailableGlobalPinSetAn update is available for the App but the global PIN had been set
kInvalidTokenAn invalid token had been provided for a transaction
kOfflineNotActivatedThe invoked event needs offline capabilities which had not been activated before
kNotSupportedThe invoked event is not supported with teh given configuration
kNoTokenDataAvailableThe invoked event requires vaid IDP Token data which are not available
kTokenDataIsOutdatedThe invoked event requires vaid IDP Token data but available data is expired
kCannotAcquireTokenDataAn error occured while trying to acquire fresh IDP tokens from IDP
kCannotAcquireAuthorizationCodeAn error occured while trying to acquire an authorization code from IDP
kCannotAcquireAccessTokenForAuthorizationCodeAn error occured while trying to acquire fresh IDP tokens from IDP via the an acquired authorization code
kServerCancelThe operation cancelled on server side, e.g. a transaction.
kConnectionLostThe underlying operation could not be completed due to connection issues. Used in DisplayConfirmationResult and TransactionEnd events.