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MC Configuration file app_config.json

Integration of the app_config.json

To integrate the app_config.json file into your project, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by creating an empty file named app_config.json.
  2. Then, insert the code snippet provided below into the file:
Example app_config.json for KOBIL Shift Lite solution installations
"tenantId": "</TenantId>",

"iam": {
"loginActivationWebpageUrl": "https://idp.</ServerUrl>.com",
"scope": "openid",
"trustedSslServerCerts": ["</CertificateFileName>.pem"],
"registrationClientId": "IDPRegistration",
"loginClientId": "UILogin",

"logFileReceiverMailAddress": {
"iOS": [""],
"android": [""]

"kssIdp": {
"handleTms": false,
"hashPin": false
  • Configure the TenantId parameter to match your Workspace name.
  • Set the value of the ServerUrl to the URL of your IDP service.
  • The format of the CertificateFileName should be (.pem) type.

Note: The trustedSslServerCerts files may contain one or more certificates. Refer to Trust Store Configuration for details on which certificates to include in the trust store. Additionally, note that for simplicity, the different trust store entries can point to the same file.

JSON KeyDescriptionMandatory
tenantIdWorkspace name of the IDP ServerYes
iam.loginActivationWebpageUrlHost url of the IDP ServerYes
iam.trustedSslServerCertsList with filenames inside app with trusted TLS server certificates used for Certificate Pinning of the IDP server.Yes
kssIdp.handleTmsKssIdp handles the transaction.No
kssIdp.hashPinUser's password is hashed, before delivering to IDP Services.No