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SOAP interfaces

Three SOAP interfaces are included in the installation of the Signature Verification Module. Please find a detailed description of the SOAP interfaces and of their functions in the Java documentation (javadoc) in HTML format, contained in the module specific directory of the Security Server installation directory.

  • Windows

    C:\Program Files\KOBIL\SSMS\modules\svm\doc
  • Linux/Solaris


The documentation is divided into management and services; consequently, into two different directories.


Two SOAP interfaces, one for the issuer and one for the user certificates, are on the management node.

The URL for the management SOAP interface of the issuer certificates is:

 https:// <FQHN  oder IP-Adresse>:8443/<ssms-gui>/soap/mgt/svm/IssuerCertificateManagementWs

The URL for the management SOAP interface of the user certificates is:

 https:// <FQHN oder IP-Adresse>:8443/ssms-gui/soap/mgt/svm/UserCertificateManagementWs

Download the javadocs for ManagementWs here: ManagementWs


The third SOAP interface is created on the Services node (ServicesWs). This interface is used for integration in the applications that carry out signature verifications. The URL for the services SOAP interface is:

 https:// <FQHN oder IP-Adresse>:8445/ssms-services/soap/svc/svm/SvmServicesWs

Download the javadocs for ServicesWs here: ServicesWs

The management SOAP interfaces are used to integrate the management tasks concerning the different signatures into the systems of the IT environment. To use these interfaces the command line tool Certificate Manager is delivered. It works for the management of the issuer certificates as well as of the user certificates.

Use these interfaces only within a secured environment. As, via the SOAP interfaces, sensitive information like configuration changes and validity verification are carried out, it is important for security reasons that these interfaces are accessed in a computing center separated and secured from the internet.


Note that there are access limitations to the SOAP services, which can be configured in the Advanced Settings of the Kernel module. Only a Super Administrator and an Administrator can change these settings.

Roles and permissions

The use of the Management SOAP interfaces is controlled by roles, which define the permissions of every user. The Services SOAP interface is authenticated only by SSL and does not need any other authentication of the user. For the Management SOAP interface, the roles or the operators are Super Administrator, Administrator, Help desk and Reviewer.