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As enterprises evolve around cloud based applications, Active Directory (AD) and plays a demanding role for the management of information security, computers and users. This documentation describes how Identity Provider(IAM) platform securely interconnects with your Active Directory infrastructure and applications.

Benefits of Directory Integration

There are many benefits to integrate directory besides providing users to login to applications with existing credentials:

• Eliminating passwords - The combination of SAML SSO and IdentityvProvider(IAM)'s AD integration excludes the use of passwords for client applications that is enabled with SAML protocol. Less passwords meaning reduced IT workload and improved security.

• Merge multiple directories - Identity Provider(IAM) platform can merge and represent multiple directories as a single unified directory to client applications for federation.

• Avoid end-to-end app integrations - Client applications can delegate authentication process to directory via LDAP. However, when using many client applications, the cost of integration and maintenance increases.

• Central access control - Rather than logging into client applications directly, users can authenticate via trusted IdP, subject to MFAs.

• Central audit trail - Sign in activities can be reported in a central audit trail which facilitates cross application analysis and compliance.