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This section describes how to procure an access token for authorization using the implicit as a grant type.

Resource Informations

Requires authentication?NoBasic authentication is not required. A clientID must be given as a request parameter.
Rate limited?NoRate limited indicate how many requests a client can make in a time period

HTTP request

POST https://{tenantId}.{hostname}/auth/realms/{tenantId}/protocol/openid-connect/auth

API requests must be made over https. Calls made over plain http will fail.

Request body (*Required)

Parameter NameTypeDescription
Authorize URI*ListThe authorize URI on the authorization server is where an OpenID Connect flow starts.
Redirect URL*StringProvide the URL where the user needs to be redirected on execution.
client_id*StringThe Client ID for which the access token is to be generated.
scopeStringThe scope requested for the token.
NonceStringAutogenerated UUID.
Response Type*StringSelect the type of response that has to be received on execution.
Response Mode*StringSelect the type how the Authorization Server should return the result parameters from the Authorization Endpoint.

KOBIL Authorization Code


Parameter NameTypeDescription
access_tokenStringThe newly created access token.
expires_inIntegerValidity of the access token in seconds.
token_typeStringIndicates access token type.
session_stateIntegerThe Client ID salted cryptographic hash, the root URL, and the browser state are all included in the session state value. Basically session_state value is used to monitor end user sessions.
scopeStringThe scope requested for the token.

KOBIL Authorization Code

Sample Response

"access_token": String,
"expires_in": Integer,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"not-before-policy": 0,
"session_state": String,
"scope": String

KOBIL Authorization Code

Response Status Information

Status CodeStatusMessage
400Bad RequestClient is not allowed to initiate browser login with given response_type. Implicit flow is disabled for the client.
401UnauthorizedHTTP 401 Unauthorized
404Not FoundPage not found