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Get Service

Use this API, to get the serivce providers as per the request provided.

Resource Informations

Requires authentication?Yes
Rate limited?Yes


Request headers

AuthorizationBearer token

HTTP request URL for SSMS

GET https://{tenantId}.{hostname}/digitanium/v3/mpower/services/?category=<CATEGORY>

HTTP request URL for SHIFT

GET https://{hostname}/auth/realms/{tenantId}/mpower/v1/services/?category={CATEGORY}

API requests must be made over https. Calls made over plain http will fail.

Parameters (*Required)

Field NameTypeDescription
  • category | String | Category for which you wanted to get Service Providers. Possible values partner, backend, operator, information

Request body

No request body fields are required


Field NameTypeDescription
versionIntegerService provider version
categoryStringCategory to which service belong to
uuidUUIDUnique ID of service provider
servicesArrayList of services available
tagsStringAdd respective tag category (Example : recommended).


Field NameTypeDescription
nameStringName of the service
positionIntegerPosition of service provider among the list
uuidUUIDUnique ID of the service
typeStringType of the service chat or miniapp or information
displayNameObjectDisplay name of the service. Can be localised.
descriptionObjectDescription of the service. Can be localised.
openUrlURLUrl of the service
avatarPictureObjectPicture which should be displayed in app for the service.

Sample Response

"version": 1,
"category": "information",
"uuid": "2221761a-9f91-4109-a778-b8ef372a5edc",
"services": [
"name": "info2",
"priority": 1.0,
"position": 1,
"uuid": "bc3fd095-9bb0-4c9c-96ea-e6600fadcffc",
"type": "InformationApp",
"displayName": {
"de": "Info 2"
"description": {
"de": "Info 2"
"openUrl": "",
"informationPicture": {
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"data": "test from API"
"communicationType": "person2service",
"version": 1,
"tags": [
"name": "info2",
"priority": 0.66667,
"position": 2,
"uuid": "cb70acf8-4ec2-4c7b-81bf-2acfd4a4a6d4",
"type": "InformationApp",
"displayName": {
"de": "Info 2"
"description": {
"de": "Info 2"
"openUrl": "",
"informationPicture": {
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"data": "test from API"
"communicationType": "person2service",
"version": 1,
"tags": [
"name": "info2",
"priority": 0.33333,
"position": 3,
"uuid": "14af364d-1987-447a-b966-cd14efb6d715",
"type": "InformationApp",
"displayName": {
"de": "Info Mod"
"description": {
"de": "Info Mod"
"openUrl": "",
"informationPicture": {
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"data": "test from API"
"communicationType": "person2service",
"version": 1,
"tags": [

Response Status Information

200OKFor successfull update
400statusBad request