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Get Address

Get Address API will fetch the address of the requested user.

Resource Informations

Requires authentication?Yes
Rate limited?No


Request headers

AuthorizationBearer token

HTTP request URL

GET https://{hostname}/auth/realms/{tenantId}/address/{userName}

Digitanium support for this API will be provided on request.


API requests must be made over https. Calls made over plain http will fail.


No parameters fields are required.

Request body

No Request body fields are required.


Field NameTypeDescription
messageStringMessage explains result of the API call. Refer Response status Information for details.
statusStringThe status of the API call. Refer Response status Information for details.
subSystemIntegersubSystem categorizes the type of API that has been called. Refer Subsystem details for details.
dataObjectThe user info object.
addressIDStringDefine the addressID given for a particular user.
addressTypeStringDefine the place of the address.
addressTitleStringDefine the title given to the respective address.
cityStringDefine the city given for the address.
cityCodeStringDefine the cityCode given for the location.
addressDetailsStringDescribe the details related to the address.
directionsStringProvide the direction for the address.
districtStringDefine the district the address is located.
districtCodeStringDefine the districtCode the address is located.
firstNameStringfirstName of the user.
lastNameStringlastName of the user.
defaultAddressBooleanThe configured default address will be taken, if true.
addressTitleStringDefine the title given to the respective address.
postalCodeStringDefine the postalCode of the given address.
townStringDefine the town the address is located.
townCodeStringDefine the townCode the address is located.

Sample Response

"message": "Address info fetched successfully",
"status": "Success",
"subSystem": 5,
"data": [
"addressID": "5538279e-f35c-42fc-8d7d-0036bd01964e",
"addressType": "Home",
"addressTitle": "Home address",
"city": "scotland",
"cityCode": "625531",
"addressDetails": "addressDetails",
"direction": "",
"district": "glasgow",
"districtCode": "123456",
"firstName": "sash",
"lastName": "mark",
"defaultAddress": "true",
"postalCode": "654321",
"town": "hometown",
"townCode": "625521"
"addressID": "0a7373c0-a934-49bc-be76-8d80bdf0f45c",
"addressType": "Home",
"addressTitle": "Home address",
"city": "scotland",
"cityCode": "625001",
"addressDetails": "addressDetails",
"direction": "",
"district": "Tayside",
"districtCode": "123456",
"firstName": "jake",
"lastName": "eve",
"defaultAddress": "false",
"postalCode": "654321",
"town": "hometown",
"townCode": "625521"

Response Status Information

Status CodeStatusMessage
200OKAddress info fetched successfully
401UnauthorizedHTTP 401 Unauthorized
404USER_NOT_FOUNDUser does not exist
404NOT_FOUNDAddress not found