App Publishing (Android)
Once you completed the steps detailed in the overview, you are ready to upload the app to Google's Play Store and Huawei's App Gallery, so here we go:
Create an Android App Bundle and Bring your app to the app stores
Create an Android App Bundle and upload it to the Play Store / App Gallery as described here.
⚠️ Note: Again, do not "Let Google [Play Store] [or Huawei's App Gallery] manage and protect your app signing key", there is a risk that app integrity values change over time and users cannot use the app afterwards until new app integrity values are stored in KOBIL's Security Server.
Use your own generated key and upload it to the app store (e.g. "Export and upload a key from Java keystore").
Trigger an app store review.
For Testing by Play Store there are no deviations from Google's recommendation.
Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 1
Wait until app store's review of Google's Play Store and Android and Huawei's App Gallery are finished.
Enable the app integrity check on the server side. Follow either the instructions for KOBIL Shift Lite or the instructions for KOBIL Digitanium / KOBIL Digitanium+, depending on your environment.
Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 2
Note: This step must be done on an ARM v8 (64 bit) device and on an ARM v7 (32 bit) device:
- Download your app from app store.
- Login with your downloaded app and the register user to store app integrity values. An overview of this process can be found here, for KOBIL Shift Lite and KOBIL Digitanium+ follow these instructions, for KOBIL Digitanium follow these instructions.
Publish yor App for end user
Note: This step must be done for Android / Google's Play Store and Android / Huawei's App Gallery:
- Go to app store and publish your reviewed app to end user. There are no deviations from app store recommendation.
Test your final app store app
Do a test login with another normal user account and your downloaded app. This step must be done on a Google-Android ARM v8 (64 bit) device, a Huawei-Android ARM v8 (64 bit) device and a Google-Android ARM v7 (32 bit) device.
- If this succeeds, you are ready to go to Google's Play Store and/or Huawei's App Gallery and publish your reviewed app to end users. There are no deviations from app store recommendations. Congratulations, with that the process is complete.
- If you get an error (e.g. 300:6) this most likely means that the app integrity value does not match. In this case continue with the next step.
Repair app integrity values
Delete your app integrity values. For KOBIL Shift Lite delete the registration of problematic architectures. For KOBIL Digitanium / Digitanium+ go to SSMS and go to the "App Versions" list. Select the desired app version and click on the "Delete Checksum" button.
Go back to Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 2 and see if re-registering the integrity value allows your application to work.