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App Publishing (iOS)

Once you completed the steps detailed in the overview, you are ready to upload the app to Apple's App Store, so here we go:

Bring your app to the app stores

⚠️ Reminder: As mentioned in the overview, the integrity check should be disabled when you reach this stage. So, if you tested the app in Test Flight in your QA with integrity check enabled, now is the time to disable it, since in rare cases we face the issue that the apple reviewers might not test exactly the same app that you would get from Test Flight, so the integrity check may fail during review, if it is enabled. To disable the integrity check, you first need to explicitly delete the registration of existing architectures as described below. Then, disable the integrity check, following either the instructions for KOBIL Shift Lite or the instructions for KOBIL Digitanium / KOBIL Digitanium+, depending on your environment.

Now, go to App Store Connect. After assigning the app build to Version, you have to

  • answer "Export Compliance Information": Choose "Standards encryption algorithm instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple's operating system."
  • add "App Review Information", especially add the details of the user onboarding credentials as mentioned in the description of how to prepare the app upload in the overview section.

⚠️ Note: For "Version Release" choose "Manually release this version" otherwise the app will automatically go into the App Store, and users can download it but cannot use it yet.

  • finalize all other App Store information.

Now, trigger an App Store review by pressing the "Add for Review" button. For Test Flight there are no deviations from Apple's recommendations.

Publish your App to end users.

⚠️ Note: This gets you under a bit of time pressure, so be sure to trigger this at a moment where you have enough time to complete the process.

Wait until App Store's review is finished (status is "Ready for Sale"). Then go to the App Store and publish your reviewed app to end users. There are no deviations from the app store recommendations.

The App Store might modify the iOS app file when publishing the app for end user. Therefore enabling KOBIL's App Integrity must be done afterwards. Meanwhile end users might get an app without being able to use it, so it is important to be quick with the remaining steps. You can minimize the impact of this short period by publishing the app for a country that is uncommon among your end users and adding the countries relevant to you at the end of the process.

Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 1

Wait until app is available in App Store.

⚠️ Note: Do not wait to long for this step, as soon as the app is available in the App Store end users can download this app version from the App Store and use it without KOBIL's App Integrity Security.

Enable the app integrity check on the server side. Follow either the instructions for KOBIL Shift Lite or the instructions for KOBIL Digitanium / KOBIL Digitanium+, depending on your environment.

⚠️ Note: Hurry up with the next step (Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 2) as end users are now able to download this app version from App Store but get an error when using it.

Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 2

Download your app from App Store.

Login with your downloaded app and the register user to store app integrity values. This can be done on any supported iPhone or iPad. An overview of this process can be found here, for KOBIL Shift Lite and KOBIL Digitanium+ follow these instructions, for KOBIL Digitanium follow these instructions.

Test your final app store app

This step can be done on any supported iPhone or iPad. Do a test login with another normal user account using your downloaded app.
If this succeeds, congratulations, the process is complete. If you get an error (e.g. 300:6) this most likely means that the app integrity value does not match. In this case continue with the next step.

Repair app integrity values

Delete your app integrity values. For KOBIL Shift Lite delete the registration of problematic architectures. For KOBIL Digitanium / Digitanium+ go to SSMS and go to the "App Versions" list. Select the desired app version and click on the "Delete Checksum" button.

Go back to Enable KOBIL's App Integrity Security - Step 2 and see if re-registering the integrity value allows your application to work.