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Composite Data Types


Represents an application version set by the StartEvent or RestartEvent.

Objective-C - KSMVersion


majorVersionintThe major version number. Typically a change in the major version number indicates a compatibility break with previous versions.
minorVersionintThe minor version number. Typically a change in the minor version number indicates that new features were added, while remaining backwards compatible with previous releases.
buildNointThe build version number. Typically it indicates the unique number set by the build or CI system.
ssmsVersionStringNSString*The string representation of the version formatted as "majorVersion.minorVersion.buildNo"

Java - AppVersion


majorintThe major version number. Typically a change in the major version number indicates a compatibility break with previous versions.
minorintThe minor version number. Typically a change in the minor version number indicates that new features were added, while remaining backwards compatible with previous releases.
buildintThe build version number. Typically it indicates the unique number set by the build or CI system.


Represents the basic configuration of the application

Objective-C - KSMSsmsAppConfiguration


localeNSString*The local that was passed to the SDK during the StartEvent or RestartEvent. The default locale of the Application. For example, this will affect messages returned to the Application. The encoding of this string is ASCII and it must be 2 bytes long.
versionKSMVersion*The app version that was passed to the SDK during the StartEvent or RestartEvent
nameNSString*The app name that was passed to the SDK during the StartEvent or RestartEvent. To distinguish the Applications, an Application must have a name. Applications with different names may have the same version numbers. Encoding of this string is UTF-8 and it has a maximum length of 32 bytes.
sdkconfigNSData*The SDK config that was passed to the SDK during the StartEvent or RestartEvent


Provides some additional configuration data in StartEvent.

Objective-C - KSMConfigurationData


categoryNSString*The category of messages/responses to tag. The tag value itself is read from the content of the corresponding messages/responses using the tagName as a key.
tagNameNSString*The name of the field in the message/response content that holds the tag value that will be applied to the message/response if it matches the specified category.

Java - ConfigurationData


categoryStringThe category of messages/responses to tag. The tag value itself is read from the content of the corresponding messages/responses using the tagName as a key.
tagNameStringThe name of the field in the message/response content that holds the tag value that will be applied to the message/response if it matches the specified category.


Represents Eco configuration, which basically includes the Eco service URLs.

Objective-C - KSMEcoConfiguration


tokenIssuerServiceUrlNSString*The url of the token issuer service. If none has been configured in the MC Config this parameter will be empty
addressBookServerUrlNSString*The url of the address book server. If none has been configured in the MC Config this parameter will be empty
messageRouterUrlNSData*The url of the message router. If none has been configured in the MC Config this parameter will be empty
ecoIdNSString*This parameter is deprecated. The tenant id of the logged-in user is set
certificateChainNSData*This parameter is deprecated. An empty value is set
categoryNSString*This parameter is deprecated. An empty value is set
tagNameNSString*This parameter is deprecated. An empty value is set


Represents IDP configuration data that is set inside the MC Config during the StartEvent and RestartEvent

Objective-C - KsIamConfigurationData


clientIdNSString*The IDP client id used by the SDK in requests to the IDP service.
serverUrlNSString*The IDP service URL.
certificateChainNSData*The certificate chain used by the SDK to configure connections to the IDP service endpoints.
redirectUriNSString*The redirect URI chain used by the SDK in requests to the IDP service, e.g. to get an authorization code, refresh token, etc.

Java - IamConfigurationData


clientIdStringThe IDP client id used by the SDK in requests to the IDP service.
serverUrlStringThe IDP service URL.
certificateChainbyte[]The certificate chain used by the SDK to configure connections to the IDP service endpoints.
redirectUriStringThe redirect URI chain used by the SDK in requests to the IDP service, e.g. to get an authorization code, refresh token, etc.


Denotes the REST endpoint identifier to configure.

Objective-C - KSMRestEndpointIdentifier

Java - RestEndpointIdentifier


Context information uniquely identifies individual requests in a distributed system and also defines a means to add and propagate provider-specific context information.

Refer to the W3C Trace Context specification for additional details.

Objective-C - TraceContext


traceParentNSString*Describes the position of the incoming request in its trace graph in a portable, fixed-length format. Its design focuses on fast parsing. Every tracing tool MUST properly set traceparent even when it only relies on vendor-specific information in tracestate
traceStateNSString*Extends traceparent with vendor-specific data represented by a set of name/value pairs. Storing information in tracestate is optional.

Java - TraceContext


traceParentStringDescribes the position of the incoming request in its trace graph in a portable, fixed-length format. Its design focuses on fast parsing. Every tracing tool MUST properly set traceparent even when it only relies on vendor-specific information in tracestate
traceStateStringExtends traceparent with vendor-specific data represented by a set of name/value pairs. Storing information in tracestate is optional.


Represents user identity

Objective-C - KsUserIdentifier


tenantIdNSString*The tenant id to which the user belongs
userIdNSString*The user id

Java - UserIdentifier


tenantIdStringThe tenant id to which the user belongs
userIdStringThe user id