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MC Configuration file mc_config.json

The mc_config.json is needed for all KOBIL Solutions, but the content differs for each solution. It is an unsigned file, you can create it manually.

Example mc_config.json for KOBIL Digitanium+ solution installations
"useScp": false,
"useSmartScreen": false,
"astServerBackend": "ssms",
"useTokenBasedLogin": true,
"iam": {
"clientId": "IDPSubsequentLogin",
"serverUrl": "https://idp.<domain>",
"redirectUri": "https://kobil/OpenIdRedirectUri",
"trustedSslServerCerts": ["<domain>/iam_trusted_certs.pem"]
JSON KeyDescriptionmandatory
iam.clientIdDefault IDP client id used for communication with the IDPyes
iam.serverUrlHost url of the IDP Serveryes
iam.redirectUriDefault IDP redirect Uriyes
iam.trustedSslServerCertsList with filenames inside app with trusted TLS server certificates used for Certificate Pinning of the IDP server.yes

Note: This trustedSslServerCerts files must be in PEM format, they can contain one or more certificates. See Trust Store Configuration for details on which certificates to put into the trust store. Note also that for simplicity, the different trust store entries can point to the same file.