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Authentication Rest API

To integrate Postman we offer a comprehensive walkthrough of utilizing Postman API requests to seamlessly interact with KOBIL IDP services. Covering backend operations, each section dives into specific functionalities, providing detailed explanations and visual representations. From generating authorization tokens to triggering transactions, this guide ensures a robust understanding of integrating Postman effectively into your workflow.

Generate Authorization Token

  • General Info:
    • All the Postman API requests are processed with access_token values, and tokens are valid for every 300 seconds.
    • To get the access_token in your Workspace, please configure the body part of the Authorization Token request.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:
    • To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, please follow the Authorization Token API methods.

KOBIL - IDP services will provide you username and password values, and these credentials will allow you access to the IDP console, and Smartdashboard of your workspace.

Create App

  • General Info:

    • The primary objective is to create an app by specifying its name, and the newly created app will be promptly displayed on the Smartdashboard in real-time.
    • In Postman request calls, you can configure your categories of the app, choosing between CHAT and TMS.
  • Performing the Request:

    • To create an app by utilizing the Create App API use following request:
    POST https://asts.{{baseUrl}}/v1/tenants/{{tenant}}/apps/{{app_name}}
  • Request Body:

    • Configure the request body parameters as outlined below and ensure that the specified parameters in the request body are set up according to the provided guidelines.
    "categories": ["chat"]

NOTE: If push notification features are required for the created app, customers must define their Android API key, iOS Bundle ID, or HPK Client ID values in the body of the request call.

Create User

  • General Info:

    • To create a new user, the username and email values should be unique and did not been used.
    • The created users will be displayed on your IDP service in real-time, and can be configured as desired.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • For more information about the request body configurations and responses, you could check the Create User API methods.
  • Sample of Request Body:

    • Configure the request body parameters as outlined below and ensure that the specified parameters in the request body are set up according to the provided guidelines.
    "username": "testUser",
    "email": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "emailVerified": false,
    "firstName": "test",
    "lastName": "adminBank"

Get User by Name

  • General Info:

    • The API call allows you to access real-time user data, providing flexibility for further configuration within your IDP service.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, you could check the Get User by Name API methods.

Get User by UUID

  • General Info:

    • This API call facilitates the retrieval of user details based on their unique UUID, offering real-time insights for further configuration within your IDP service.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • For more information about the request body configurations and responses, please follow the Get User by UUID API methods.

Create App Version

  • General Info:

    • The app version registration is performed with the ID of the created users.
    • Based on the O.S on where the app will be executed, platform can be selected as Android / iOS.
    • The version number setup represents the major, minor, build numbers of your app, and it is defined in the versionStr parameter.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, you check the Create App Version API methods.
  • Sample of Request Body:

    • Configure the request body parameters as outlined below and ensure that the specified parameters in the request body are set up according to the provided guidelines.
    "appName": "TestApp",
    "platform": "Android",
    "versionStr": "1.2.3",
    "registerUserId": "50d0ca49-c057-4a7c-a8c0-0a7dfa5ad2a6",
    "versionLock": false,
    "isCheckIntegrity": false

NOTE: A user can register as many app versions as desired, but app names must be different from the others.

Generate Activation Code

  • General Info:

    • In Postman request call, you can configure the activation code values by using the secretData parameter.
    • The validity period of the generated activation code is determined by credentialData. e.g. 60 days(60d), 60 minutes(60m), 60 seconds(60s).
  • Performing the Request:

    • To create an activation code by utilizing the Activation Code API use following request:
    PUT https://idp.{{baseUrl}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/users/{{app_user_uuid}}
  • Request Body:

    • Configure the request body parameters as outlined below and ensure that the specified parameters in the request body are set up according to the provided guidelines.
    "credentials" : [
    "type" : "ACTIVATION_CODE",
    "credentialData" : "{\"period\" : \"60d\"}",
    "secretData" : "{\"code\" : \"68493536\"}"
  • Sample Response:

Trigger Transaction

  • General Info:

    • Specify the user's ID in the request call to trigger the transaction.
    • The information presented to the user during the transaction is encapsulated in the tmsData parameter.
    • Set the transaction's validity period using the retrievalTimeout and tmsTimeOut parameters.
    • Upon sending the request call, obtain the unique transaction ID and its status for further tracking.
  • Performing the Transaction with Push Notification:

  1. Set the push notification provider API key, during the App Creation process.
  2. On the app side, trigger the SetPushTokenEvent via MCSDK.
  3. Add the "push" method from the Trigger Transaction API to your Postman request body.

To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, please follow the Trigger Transaction API methods.

Get Transaction Info

  • General Info:

    • To retrieve transaction information, transaction ID needs to be included in the request call.
    • The transaction status, such as ACCEPTED, REJECTED, and TIMEOUT, will be displayed in the response.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, you could check the Get Transaction Info API methods.

Display Message

  • General Info:

    • To send a Display Message to the specified users, the user ID or client ID needs to be included in the request body.
    • After the request call is sent, the unique ID of the Display Message will be displayed in response for further tracking.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

Change Password

  • General Info:

    • To change user's password, the user ID needs to be included in the request call.
    • In Postman request body, you are able to configure the newly created password as desired with the value parameter.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, you could check the Update User API methods.

⚠️NOTE: Since the format of the created passwords will be clean-text. The method should not be used for users created under the BDDK regulations.

Delete User

  • General Info:

    • To delete an existing user, an UUID of the user is required.
    • The deleted users will not be displayed on your IDP service anymore.
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • For more information about the request body configurations and responses, please follow the Delete User API methods.