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This documentation is your guide to efficiently using KOBIL's Identity Provider (IDP) service. You will find a diagram that illustrates an overview of the main components and features of IDP. After that, there are some key terms you should be aware of before attempting to use Identity provider to secure your web applications and REST services.

  • Users: Entities that log in, with attributes like email and username.
  • Authentication: The process of validating a user's identity.
  • Credentials: Data chunks used for identity verification.
  • Realms: Workspaces managing users, roles, and credentials.

Explore the Overview section to get a comprehensive understanding of the IDP.

Components Overview

Identity Provider (IDP)

The IDP is a platform for seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solutions. It simplifies user management, registration, and authentication processes. For more details, refer to the IDP Documentation.

Application Security Technology (AST)

AST provides centralized management for KOBIL authentication, covering One-Time Password (OTP), QR authentication, and advanced Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) via Mobile App Security Technology (mAST). Explore the AST Documentation for in-depth information.

Features Overview

The IDP offers robust support for open standards, including OpenID Connect 1.0 and SAML. This ensures secure and standardized authentication protocols. The platform excels in Identity Management, facilitating seamless user identity handling through features like Provisioning and Identity Brokering for external authentication.

For a more in-depth exploration of App & Services Integration, and Customization features, refer to the comprehensive IDP Features Documentation.