Installation Requirements
What is needed to install mPower packaged Kobil services? Find "values.yaml" example file for mPower and other dependency covering the full overall description.
- mPower Readme
- dependencies
Platform requirements
- kubernetes platform running k8s v1.19+ (and higher)
- helm v3.3+ deployment tool
- Kobil Image repository credential set for image downloads
- Kobil chart-museum repository credential set or delivered Kobil mPower chart package
Operation requirements
- Mail-Service/Host (depending on user registration process)
- Database Services for Kobil Security Server-, IAM/IDP- and SCP-Services (plus Dashboard-ServiceDBs and internal services DBs (redis/eCache..))
Infrastructure requirements
- Domain ownership, Certificates/SAN
Different type of installs - Overview
Build a test-install (all_in install without Kobil license) as a "sandbox" for simple testing purposes only
* main key parameter for test-install (**ssms:certificate:testInstallation**) - keep this to **testInstallation: true** results in a test-installation - which is fixed and **could be NOT migrated into a licensed Kobil Service**.
* using mBattery to prepare runtime for mPower into the used k8s-cluster providing ingress-controller, databases and monitoring, tracing or logging services for Kobil Services.
New Production Install
New production install with Kobil licensing
* production install with Kobil License (see License procedure / registration procedure)
[Licensing Procedure for Kubernetes/OpenShift for Security Server 3.4++](/docs/ssms-docs/ssmsinstallconfig/kubernetes-opbased/installation-k8s/installation/new-prod-install/licenseprocedure-k8s-oc-ssms3) - and - [Security Server Production License Installation for Security Server 3.5.*/3.6*](/docs/ssms-docs/ssmsinstallconfig/kubernetes-opbased/installation-k8s/installation/new-prod-install/ssmsprodlicenseinstallation3.5).
* database compatibility and driver for mysql-jconnector - mPower meta-configuration file with appropriate key-value pairs.
* external database credential sets / firewall or proxy info to ensure accessibility.
* creating database schemas or configure mPower charts to do so - find parameter "ensure_DB" per mPower component.
Migration Install
Migration install - new installation for using existing Security Server database by new install for mPower(Security Server) on Kubernetes
- multi-tenant / single-tenant considerations
- installation re-uses existing Security Server database content by now k8s-hosted Security Server-services
- follow migration advise to use "config.xml" configuration data from original Security Server-service (installer) installation.
- mapping existing tuning for the Security Server service into kubernetes Security Server services as per Configuration of Kubernetes based Security Server 3.4.x and higher.
- default tenant handling (single-tenant/standard Security Server data will be migrated to MT-Security Server "MASTER" tenant for k8s hosted Security Server sevices) - more details in Migration Install section.
- ensuring User/Device registration at Security Server logic is not affected (user and device context for Security Server functionality remains).
Partial Install
Partial install - install only selective components out of the Kobil mPower services matching implementation requirements
- Installation of Security Server only
- Installation of IDP/IAM only, or combined with Security Server-service
- API-related only install with no dashboards
- all mPower components are enabled( or disabled) by single key:value "enable: true" per component section in the mPower meta-configuration "values.yaml"
Software Delivery
Delivery process:
- KOBIL provides access to private Image repository for Image download and for Chart package download - find details here: Kobil Repository.
- KOBIL ensures image upload and integrity to the repository. This covers documented SHA-256 hash value for each Kobil image.
- The operating party verifies the delivery of the image with the hash.
- The operating party confirms KOBIL the correctness of the hash of the delivery via email.
- The operating party transfers the delivery to the installation environment.
Installation Procedure and parameter configuration & deployment tuning
Configuration Parameter Handling:
KOBIL Charts and Kobil Service are designed to use pre-defined configuration data (i.e secrets and configmaps). In addition deployment meta-chart configuration file (values.yaml) overruling default sub-chart parameter settings will well defined defaults.
KOBIL recommends to use your specific meta-chart deployment configuration file and not to configure/edit sub-charts parameter file (i.e. do not edit ./charts/ssms/values.yaml - but edit meta-configuration chart file "values.yaml" adding tuned parameter from the sub-charts to honor specific settings).
Upgrade Procedure using "helm"
- Upgrading mPower package
- using helm tool for upgrades
- sample - demo-test-install
- sample - production-licensed-install
Installation Demo
- find Installation demo under Build-a-test-install - covering detailed how to here: Demo Installation.