Platform Specific Configuration
AWS Specific
It covers AWS (EKS) specification.
- deployment per helm install - required configuration details
- default helm chart packages for Dependencies and mPower are fully compatible to AWS EKS helm deployment(install) actions
- managed EKS node specification (horizontal auto-sizing)
Openshift Specific
It covers Openshift specification. More information here: Redhat Openshift Kubernetes
- deployment per helm install - required configuration details / required additional configuration prior and post helm install/deployment
- splitting install into 2 deployment actions (root/admin related pre-deployment) + (application deployment without root/admin permission / app-admin permission)
- Create a service on test-prod
GKE Specific
It covers Google Cloud Platform GCP (GKE) specification.
- deployment per helm install - required configuration details.
- deployment of ingress-controller will auto-create LoadBalancer object (like this is true on AWS too).
- Similar to AWS EKS related logic (Kubernetes Cluster declaration utilizing "NodeGroup" resources/hosts) - defining first a "cluster" - then to add the specific "nodes" - and adding/configure specific auto-scaling
AKS Specific
covering Azure Kubernetes services (AKS) specifics
- deployment per helm install - required configuration details.
- deployment of ingress-controller will create LoadBalancer object (like this is true on AWS too).
- Similar to AWS EKS related logic (Kubernetes Cluster declaration utilizing "NodeGroup" resources/hosts)