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Configuration Guide

Scope here:

What are the components? Which components needs to be installed for your target

  • Security Server - requirements for Security Server
  • IDP/IAM - requirements for IDP
  • SCP - requirements for SCP
  • Dashboard - requirements for Dashboard
  • Monitoring&Logging services - integration to existing platform monitoring and logging and/or trace-services - or using mBattery provided sample services initially

How to deploy each component?

  • use edits to mpower|mbattery "values.yaml" ("enable: true|false" for each component)
  • Tuning the deployment

Additional items here:

  • How to configure when deploying mIdentitybox with IAM and Security Server service - is there a need to configure them for integration?

  • How to configure in case adding the IAM service into existing mPower_with_SSMS only install? Is there a need to do anything - or will "helm upgrade" covering the full automated integration?

  • Considerations about initial install for Kobil Services via Configuration data (ConfigMaps) and service specific setup (service related tunings at single service level / i.e. IAM or Security Server threads-, connections-tunning or more) - so doing a tuning reconfiguration for the deployment (pod related tuning/reconfiguration - Replicas, resources/limits,,,) via ConfigMap and Chart configuration data (find details in installation guide).

  • Ahead of this find deployment related aspects in general as part of the OperationsGuide to cover specific setup of deployment (what is the use-case/target - and for this what is to deploy from mPower package).