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Network Architecture


Main difference for "onpremise/direct" hosting of Security Server services - to now modern kubernetes(k8s) Security Server services are as follows:

direct hosted Security Server-services / TCP-connection:Server
Security Server-MGT<hostname_ssms>:8443
Security Server-SERVICES (SOAP)<hostname_ssms>:8445
Security Server-SERVICES (REST/-ASM)<hostname_ssms>:80 bzw. <hostname>:443
k8s hosted serviceServer (Host)Path (IngressController)
Security Server-MGTssms.<>:443ssms.<>/ssms-gui
Security Server-SOAPssms.<>:443ssms.<>/ssms-services/soap
Security Server-RESTssms.<>:443ssms.<>/ssms-services/rest
Security Server-ASMssms.<>:443ssms.<>/ssms-services/asm/rest/device

The TCP connectivity will be utilizing one port only (443) and the Ingress-Controller functionality is used to route to the appropriate Kobil Security Server service. There is no need to specify different ports.

For the application API use-case the k8s-hosted services are more simple now due to only handle all traffic to one port only.

To access the Kobil-Services internally within the k8s-cluster (and not going via Ingress-Controller) please have a look to the k8s-service declarations (specific services and ports)