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Preparing Environment

How to prepare deployment configuration files to install mId services.

This is done by editing the mPower deployment meta-configuration file "values.yaml". When using the dependency package to deployment of a runtime environment for mPower then also edit the dependency deployment meta-configuration file "values.yaml".

The mPower and related dependencies in Kobil chart packages will include default deployment meta-configuration files covering a best-practice setup and will be enough for a test-install for demo-purposes.
You may run the "" script creating specific random/hash/keys to setup with your individual secrets (see below).

Editing mPower main meta-configuration file values.yaml

The mPower main "values.yaml" (mPower meta configuration file) covers all parameter (key-value pairs) to configure the majority of the deployment relevant setup.

Ahead of this, the deployment meta-configuration file could be extended adding key-value pairs from Kobil services sub-charts "values.yaml" configuration. This could be required in case of specific needs for service configuration. Advantage to add the specific key-value pairs (parameters) into the main deployment meta-configuration file is, that you have all deployment related setup in this single meta-configuration file and you can make use of the default helm chart package without a need to modification there.

Honoring the chart declaration hierarchy is required to enable the extended key-values pairs inside the meta-configuration file. By this logic the extended settings from the meta-configuration file will overrule the sub-chart parameter settings. Note: in case adding additional key-values pairs into meta-configuration file the Kobil chart hierarchy structure is important; in case of hierarchy mismatch then these are ignored)

Editing the mPower main "values.yaml" will allow to enabled/disable Kobil service components which are then not installed during helm deployment. For full explanation of all components have look to the Installation Guide.

Editing dependency main values.yaml

The dependency main deployment meta-config "values.yaml" covers all parameter (key-value pairs) to configure the majority of the deployment relevant setup. Ahead of this the deployment meta-configuration file could be extended adding key-value pairs to address specific needs for the enabled services.

  • edits required ahead of default values in shipped dependency prior known as dependency deployment meta-config file
  • edits optional ahead of defaults

Running "" script provided by the mPower chart package to create unique key-value pairs for the Kobil Services integrations using randoms/hashes and keys/cert.
The default sample files covered by the default mPower chart package meta-configuration file should be updated to ensure unique parameter for your installation.

To do so - just enable execution for the script "" and run this. The script run will create result file covering advise which key-value pairs/parameter should be modified for the mPower meta-configuration file.