512 | 500 | 500 | Internal | An unexpected error occurred, check for details in the logs | "An unexpected error occurred" |
512 | 503 | 503 | ServiceUnavailable | The service's availability was disrupted, look for details in the message. | "The service's availability was disrupted" |
512 | status.code() | status | GenericHttpError | General http error, look for details in the message and status code. | message ?: status.reasonPhrase() |
512 | 400 | 400 | BadRequest | Invalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details. | "Invalid data found in the request" |
512 | 4001 | 400 | MissingField | Missing required field in Json object. Ensure all the required fields available in the Json object, check the response for missing field | "Missing required $location" |
512 | 4002 | 400 | MalformedField | Malformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details | "Malformed $locationAndReason" |
512 | 4003 | 400 | BadPagination | Bad pagination parameters. Check the query parameters that are used for pagination. Expected page >= 1 and 5 <= pageSize <= 100 | "Bad pagination parameters: Expected page >= 1 and 5 <= pageSize <= 100, " + "but got page = $page and pageSize = $pageSize" |
512 | 4004 | 400 | BadFilter | Error while applying filter to access resources in storage. Check the query parameters that are used for filtering | "Bad filter: '$filter': $reason" |
512 | 4005 | 400 | MalformedBody | Malformed request body. Check the request body | "Malformed request body" + (reason?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
512 | 4006 | 406 | NotUpdatedProperty | Property was not updated. Check for the existence of a property in the database or sql query parameters | "Property was not updated" |
512 | 4007 | 406 | NotCreatedProperty | Property was not created. Check the correctness of the property that needs to be saved to the database | "Property was not created" |
512 | 4008 | 406 | NotDeletedProperty | Property was not deleted. Check for the existence of a property in the database or sql query parameters | "Property was not deleted" |
512 | 4009 | 404 | NotFoundProperty | No Property was found for the specified tenant. Check for the existence of a property in the database or sql query parameters | "No Property was found for tenant <$tenant>" |
512 | 4011 | 406 | ReadOnlyProperty | ReadOnly Property can't be changed or deleted. Check the readOnly flag of the property. If it is active, the property cannot be manipulated | "ReadOnly Property can't be changed or deleted" |
512 | 4012 | 406 | InvalidSecretId | Invalid SessionKey Id value. Check if the received key from the storage is correct | message: String = "Invalid SessionKey Id value" |
512 | 4013 | 406 | NonExistSecretId | Non-exist SessionKey Id. Check for the existence of key in the storage | message: String = "Non-exist SessionKey Id" |
512 | 4014 | 406 | DecryptionSessionKey | Error at decrypting Session Key. Check the correctness of the received key or its presence. Check the response for additional details | message: String = "Error at decrypting Session Key" |
512 | 4015 | 406 | EncryptSessionKeyError | Error at encrypting Session Key. Check the correctness of the received key or its presence. Check the response for additional details | message: String = "Error at encrypting Session Key" |
512 | 4031 | 403 | MissingUserId | The userId is missing in the access token. Check the access token from the request | "The userId is missing in the access token" |
512 | 4032 | 403 | MissingUserName | The user name is missing in the access token. Check the access token from the request | "The user name is missing in the access token" |
512 | 4033 | 403 | MissingClientId | The AST Client ID is missing in the access token. Check the access token from the request | "The AST Client ID is missing in the access token" |
512 | 4034 | 403 | InvalidRole | Invalid user role. Check the user and his roles | "The user does not have valid permission to access the resource" |
512 | 4035 | 409 | DuplicateProperty | Duplicate property. Check the name of the property you are saving, as a property with that name already exists and will be overwritten | "Duplicate property" |
512 | 4036 | 400 | WrongUserForProperty | Property for wrong userId. Check if the property belongs to the user, manipulating a property that doesn't belong to it causes an error | "Property for wrong userId" |
512 | 4037 | 400 | WrongClientForProperty | Property for wrong astClientId. Property for wrong userId. Check if the property belongs to the user, manipulating a property that doesn't belong to it causes an error | "Property for wrong astClientId" |
512 | 4040 | 403 | ConcurrentModification | The property was concurrently modified. Check if the property is currently being modified elsewhere before manipulating it | "The property was concurrently modified" |
512 | 4041 | 403 | AccessDenied | Check if you have all required rights to access this resource | "The user does not have required rights to access the resource" |
512 | 401 | 401 | Unauthorized | Bearer header was missing on the request. Ensure all the required fields are present and correct in request | "A proper Authorization: Bearer header was invalid or missing on the request" |
512 | 4011 | 401 | TlsClientAuthMissing | No valid client certificate provided. Ensure client certificate is present in the request and valid. | "TLS Client Authentication is required but was missing on the request" |
512 | 5001 | 500 | DbError | Database Error. Check the availability and functionality of the database. See service log for additional details | "Database Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
512 | 5002 | 500 | KafkaError | Kafka Error. Check the availability and functionality of the kafka service. See service log for additional details | "Kafka Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
512 | 5003 | 500 | RedisError | Redis Error. Check the availability and functionality of the redis service. See service log for additional details | "Redis Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: (": Error occurred at getting sessionKey from storage")) |
512 | 50010 | 500 | UnknownTopicRoutingKey | Encountered an outbox item with the unknown topic routing key. Check topic routing key of the required OutboxItem in the database. See service log for additional details | "Encountered an outbox item with the unknown topic routing key '$key'" |
512 | 50020 | 500 | TrustStoreDoesNotExist | Database Error. Truststore does not exist | "The configured $purpose truststore file at <$file> does not exist" |
512 | 50021 | 500 | TrustStoreRequired | Database Error. Truststore is required | "A trust store is required for SSL mode $mode, but non is configured" |