520 | 500 | 500 | Internal | | "An unexpected error occurred" |
520 | 503 | 503 | ServiceUnavailable | | "The service's availability was disrupted" |
520 | status.code() | status | GenericHttpError | | message ?: status.reasonPhrase() |
520 | 400 | 400 | BadRequest | Invalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details. | "Invalid data found in the request" |
520 | 401 | 401 | Unauthorized | A proper Authorization: Bearer header was missing on the request | "A proper Authorization: Bearer header was missing on the request" |
520 | 4001 | 400 | MissingField | Missing required field in Json object. Ensure all the required fields available in the Json object, check the response for missing field | "Missing required $location" |
520 | 4002 | 400 | MalformedField | Malformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details | "Malformed $locationAndReason" |
520 | 4003 | 400 | MalformedBody | Malformed request body. Check the request body | "Malformed request body" + (reason?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 4004 | 400 | DuplicateKeystoreProtectionKeystore | Duplicate key constraint violated | "Duplicate key constraint violated: $id" |
520 | 403 | 403 | Forbidden | The user is not allowed to access the resource | "The user is not allowed to access the resource" |
520 | 4031 | 403 | MissingUserId | The user ID is missing in the access token | "The user ID is missing in the access token" |
520 | 4032 | 403 | MissingClientId | The AST client ID is missing in the access token | "The AST client ID is missing in the access token" |
520 | 4033 | 403 | MissingAuthTime | The token must contain either the authentication or issuance time | "The token must contain either the authentication or issuance time" |
520 | 4034 | 403 | ExplicitAuthMissing | Required explicit authentication scope is missing | "Required explicit authentication scope '$requiredScope' is missing" |
520 | 4036 | 403 | SessionKeyNotFound | The session key (preMasterSecret) with the id could not be found | "The session key (preMasterSecret) with the id $id could not be found" |
520 | 4037 | 403 | SessionKeyDecryptionFailed | The session key decryption failed | "The session key decryption failed" + (reason?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 4038 | 403 | SessionKeyEncryptionFailed | The session key encryption failed | "The session key encryption failed" + (reason?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 4041 | 404 | KeystoreNotFound | The keystore protection key for user and clientId could not be found | "The keystore protection key $keyId for user '$tenant/$user' and clientId '$clientId' could not be found" |
520 | 4042 | 404 | NotFoundById | The keystore protection key with id for user and client could not be found | "The keystore protection key with id '$protectionKeyId' for user " + "'${astUser.tenant}/${astUser.userId}' and client ${astUser.astClientId} could not be found" |
520 | 4043 | 404 | NoMatchingKeysForClient | There are no keystore protection keys found for client in tenant | "There are no keystore protection keys found for client $clientId in tenant $tenant" |
520 | 4043 | 404 | NoMatchingKeysForUser | There are no keystore protection keys found for user | "There are no keystore protection keys found for user '$tenant/$user'" |
520 | 31 | 403 | BadCertProfile | The AST Device Certificate profile is missing | "The AST Device Certificate profile is missing" |
520 | 50 | 500 | EncryptionError | Error during payload encryption | "Error during payload encryption" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 51 | 400 | DecryptionError | Error during payload decryption | "Error during payload decryption" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 52 | 500 | DbEncryptionError | Error during database encryption | "Error during database encryption" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 53 | 500 | DbDecryptionError | Error during database decryption | "Error during database decryption" + (message?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 60 | 500 | TrustStoreDoesNotExist | The configured truststore file does not exist | "The configured $purpose truststore file at <$file> does not exist" |
520 | 61 | 500 | TrustStoreRequired | The configured truststore file does not exist | "A trust store is required for SSL mode $mode, but non is configured" |
520 | 5001 | 500 | DbError | Database Error | "Database Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 5002 | 500 | KafkaError | Kafka Error | "Kafka Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "") |
520 | 50010 | 500 | UnknownTopicRoutingKey | Encountered an outbox item with the unknown topic routing key | "Encountered an outbox item with the unknown topic routing key '$key'" |