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AstVersion Error Codes (SubSystem 517)

SubSystemErrorCodeHttp CodeNameDetails and TroubleshootingConsole Message
5171500InternalErrorSomething unexpected, please check the service logs for additional details and contact support.message: String? = null
51710400UpstreamInvalidResponseException while parsing the Response of upstream service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
51711400UpstreamInvalidErrorMessageException while parsing the Error which is coming from the upstream servicemessage: String? = null
517400400BadRequestInvalid data found in the requestmessage: String? = null
517401401UnauthorizedCheck OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details.message: String? = "Unauthorized"
517403403ForbiddenCheck OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details.message: String? = "Forbidden"
517404404NotFoundResource not found. Check that the called URL is correct.message: String? = null
517405405MethodNotAllowedHTTP Method is not allowed. Check the OpenAPI specification to see which endpoints support which HTTP modes.message: String? = null
5174001400MissingRequiredFieldMissing required field in Json object. Check response for for missing field and compare against OpenAPI specification."Missing required $location"
5174002400MalformedFieldMalformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details."Malformed $locationAndReason"
5174003400RegistrationNotRequiredRegistration is not required for a Version with isCheckIntegrity flag set to false. Please check flag"Registration is not required for a Version[$versionId] with isCheckIntegrity flag set to false."
5174004400BadPaginationBad pagination parameters"Bad pagination parameters: Expected page >= 1 and 5 <= pageSize <= 100, " + "but got page = $page and pageSize = $pageSize"
5174005400SearchTextEmptyOrNotSame'Search text' parameters for app name, platform and version must not be empty and must be same."'Search text' parameters for app name, platform and version must not be empty and must be same."
5174006400InvalidRegisterUserRegister user id not belong to version. Please use right user id"User with id: $registerUserId is not registered user for version id: $versionId"
5174007400VersionAlreadyRegisteredVersion already registred"Version[$versionId] is already registered."
5174008400ArchitectureRequiredArchitecture name is mandatory for selected platform. Please set architecture name"Architecture name is mandatory for the platform[$platformName] of given Version[$versionId]."
5174009400ArchitectureNotRequiredArchitecture name is not required for the selected platform"Architecture name is not required for the platform[$platformName] of given Version[$versionId]."
51740010400AstClientAlreadyVotedSelected AstClient has already voted for the selected version and architecture"AstClient $astClientId has already voted for the version $versionId and architecture[$archName]"
51740012400QuorumImpossibleQuorum constitution is not possible. Selected AstClient is not allowed to vote for a version and architecture"Quorum constitution is not possible. AstClient[$astClientId] is not allowed to vote " + "for a version[$versionId] and architecture[${archName ?: "-"}]."
5174013400FieldMustNotBeEmptyField must not be empty in Json object."Field '$fieldName' must not be empty" + (location?.let { " in $location" } ?: "")
5174043404PolicyNotFoundPolicy with given name not found"Policy with NAME <$name> and TENANT_ID <$tenantId> was not found"
5174044404PolicyAssignmentNotFoundPolicyAssignment with selected parameters not found"PolicyAssignment ${policyName?.let { "with policyName: $it " } ?: ""} was not found " + "for AppName: $appName, platformId: $platformId, architectureId: $architectureId, tenantId: $tenantId"
5174045404PolicyAssignmentByIdNotFoundPolicyAssignment with selected id not found"PolicyAssignment with assignmentId: $assignmentId was not found for tenantId: $tenantId"
5174046404ArchitectureNotFoundArchitecture with selected platform name and architecture name not found for given version"Architecture[$architectureName] not found for the platform[$platformName] of given Version[$versionId]."
5174047404AppNotFoundapplication not found with selected name"Application with APP_NAME <$appName> and TENANT_ID <$tenantId> was not found"
5174050409AppDuplicateApplication with selected name already exist. Please select another name"Application '$appName' already exists for tenant '$tenantId'."
5174092409PolicyDuplicatePolicy with selected name already exist. Please select another name"Policy '$name' already exists for tenant '$tenantId'."
5174093409PolicyAssignmentDuplicatePolicyAssignment with selected name already exist"PolicyAssignment already exists " + "for AppName: $appName, platformId: $platformId, architectureId: $architectureId, tenantId: $tenantId"
5174231HttpResponseStatus.LOCKEDVersionLockedVersion for selected id already locked"Version with id '$versionId' for tenant '$tenantId' is locked."
51760500TrustStoreDoesNotExistTruststore for selected values does not found"The configured $purpose truststore file at <$file> does not exist"
51761500TrustStoreRequiredTruststore is required"A trust store is required for SSL mode $mode, but non is configured"
5175001500DbErrorDatabase error"Database Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
5175002500KafkaErrorKafka error"Kafka Error" + (details?.let { ": $it" } ?: "")
51750010500UnknownTopicRoutingKeyUnknown Topic Routing Key error"Encountered an outbox item with the unknown topic routing key '$key'"
517status.code()statusGenericHttpErrorGeneric http errormessage ?: status.reasonPhrase()
517503503ServiceUnavailableServiceUnavailablemessage: String? = null
517codehttpCodeAnyServiceErrorInternal Helper class that allows to create ServiceError instance with arbitrary subsystemsmessage: String?
517codehttpCodeVersionErrorVersion errors are caused by this subsystem. This class enforces that the correct subsystem is usedmessage: String? = null