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Get App Settings

The Get Appsettings API will fetch the app settings details which is configured in the realm settings.

Resource Informations

Requires authentication?No
Rate limited?No

HTTP request URL for SSMS

GET http://{hostname}/digitanium/v3/tenants/appsettings

HTTP request URL for SHIFT

GET http://{hostname}/auth/realms/{tenantId}/v4_realm/appsettings

API requests must be made over https. Calls made over plain http will fail.


No parameter fields are required.

Request body

No request body fields are required.


Field NameTypeDescription
flutter_ios_versionStringflutter_ios_version is the result of the ios version.
flutter_android_linkStringflutter_android_link is the URL for the playstore.
flutter_android_versionStringflutter_android_version is the result of the andriod version.
flutter_android_update_byStringflutter_android_update_by results the timestamp of the last update.
flutter_ios_update_byStringflutter_ios_update_by results the timestamp of the last update.
flutter_ios_linkStringflutter_ios_link is the URL for the appstore.
flutter_android_build_numberStringflutter_android_build_number is the number of android releases for a version. (Every build has its own unique number)
flutter_ios_build_numberStringflutter_ios_build_number is the number of ios releases for a version. (Every build has its own unique number)
macos_linkStringmacos_link is the URL for the playstore.
macos_versionStringmacos_version is the result of the macos version.
macos_update_byStringmacos_update_by results the timestamp of the last update.
macos_build_numberStringmacos_build_number is the number of macos releases for a version. (Every build has its own unique number)
windows_linkStringwindows_link is the URL for the playstore.
windows_versionStringwindows_version is the result of the windows version.
windows_update_byStringwindows_update_by results the timestamp of the last update.
windows_build_numberStringwindows_build_number is the number of windows releases for a version. (Every build has its own unique number)
huawei_versionStringhuawei_version is the result of the huawei version.
huawei_linkStringhuawei_link is the URL for the playstore.
huawei_update_byStringhuawei_update_by results the timestamp of the last update.
huawei_build_numberStringhuawei_build_number is the number of huawei releases for a version. (Every build has its own unique number)
"flutter_android_link": "",
"flutter_android_version": "123456",
"flutter_android_update_by": "2023-04-28 18:27:08.443204",
"flutter_android_build_number": "12345678",
"flutter_ios_version": "123456",
"flutter_ios_update_by": "123456",
"flutter_ios_link": "123456u",
"flutter_ios_build_number": "1234567",
"macos_link": "",
"macos_version": "1.4.0",
"macos_update_by": "2023-04-28 18:27:08.443204",
"macos_build_number": "4",
"windows_link": "",
"windows_version": "1.4.0",
"windows_update_by": "2023-04-28 18:27:08.443204",
"windows_build_number": "4"
"huawei_version": "2.5.5",
"huawei_link": "",
"huawei_update_by": "30.07.2023",
"huawei_build_number": "000"


Response Status Information

Status CodeStatus
404Realm does not exist