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Get Realm Creation Status

The Get Realm Creation Status API that will fetch the status of the Realm created.

Resource Informations

Requires authentication?Yes
Rate limited?No


Request headers

AuthorizationBearer token

HTTP request URL for SSMS

GET http://{{host}}/digitanium/v4/tenants/status

HTTP request URL for SHIFT

GET http://{hostname}/auth/realms/{tenantId}/v4_realm/status 

API requests must be made over https. Calls made over plain http will fail.


No parameter fields are required.

Request body

No request body fields are required.


Field NameTypeDescription
statusStringThe consolidated status of realm based on signer and Identity user certificate status. (Other possible status: ACTIVE, BLOCKED, REQUESTED)
iamStatusStringIt is marked as SUCCESS if the realm is present in the IDP.
signerCertStatusStringThe status of the Signer Certificate creation of the realm.
identityUserCertStatusStringThe status of the Identity User Certificate Status of the realm.
internalIdentityUserStringThe status of the Internal Identity User certificate of the realm.
externalIdentityUserStringThe status of the External Identity User certificate of the realm.
authenticationStringThe aunthentication certificate status of the Internal Identity User and External Identity User.
encryptionStringThe encryption certificate status of the Internal Identity User and External Identity User.
signatureStringThe signature certificate status of the Internal Identity User and External Identity User.

Sample Response

"status": "BLOCKED",
"iamStatus": "SUCCESS",
"signerCertStatus": "BLOCKED",
"identityUserCertStatus": {
"externalIdentityUser": {
"authentication": "BLOCKED",
"encryption": "BLOCKED",
"signature": "BLOCKED"
"internalIdentityUser": {
"authentication": "BLOCKED",
"encryption": "BLOCKED",
"signature": "BLOCKED"

Response Status Information

Status CodeStatus