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KOBIL Phone Registration

KOBIL Phone Registration

This execution has the following main tasks

  • To collect and verify the phone number of the user, if the phone number is not available.
  • To verify the phone number of the user, if the phone number is already available.


ProtocolOpenID Connect 1.0
HTTP methodGET
TypeBrowser Flow
EndpointAuthorization Endpoint
Flow SupportedAuthorization code flow
Implicit flow
Hybrid flow
ResponseID Token, Access Token, Refresh Token
Response Modequery, form_post, fragment

How to configure

To access the config of the execution press the Actions button and select Config. The authenticator configuration screen will appear. Then enter your config data.

Account KOBIL Phone Registration flow


Parameters involved in Account - KOBIL Change phone execution
IDUnique system UUID, which will be assigned automatically.
AliasDisplay name of configuration, which occurs in authentication flow. (Example: Phone Registration)
Force Phone VerificationEnable to force phone verification, even phone is already verified.
Disable Back ButtonDisable the back button in the forgot password flow.
Phone Verification Code TTLProvide the validity of the verification code. (Example: for days 2d, for hours 2h, for secs 2s.) Default value is 1h.
Phone Verification Code LengthLength of the SMS code. Default value is 6.
Show Phone ConfirmationEnable to show phone confirmation view.
Phone Retry LimitPhone Retry Limit. Default value is 5.
Phone Retry DelayPhone Retry delay in seconds and between every attempts previous time will be doubled: Default value is 5 seconds.
Template of text to send to the userAdd phone message template, following attributes are supported {first_name}, {last_name}, {code}, and {expiration}.

Account KOBIL Phone Registration flow

User Flow

Execution Flow

This execution contains the following main steps:

  1. KOBIL Phone registration must be preceded by another authenticator since it procures a username from this precedent authenticator. For instance: KOBIL Username Password Form for user identification.
  2. The OTP will be sent to the phone number which we entered, once the user enters the valid OTP, the user phone number will be added on successful authentication.
KOBIL Phone Registration flow