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KOBIL User Password Registration

KOBIL User Password Registration

This execution has the following main tasks to register the user password on IDP Provider.


ProtocolOpenID Connect 1.0
HTTP methodGET
TypeBrowser Flow
EndpointAuthorization Endpoint
Flow SupportedAuthorization code flow
Implicit flow
Hybrid flow
ResponseID Token, Access Token, Refresh Token
Response Modequery, form_post, fragment

How to configure

To access the config of the execution press the Actions button and select Config. The authenticator configuration screen will appear. Then enter your config data.

KOBIL User Password Registration flow


Parameters involved in KOBIL User Password Registration execution
IDUnique system UUID, which will be assigned automatically.
AliasDisplay name of configuration, which occurs in authentication flow. (Example: 1fa)
Match Password PolicyEnable to match generated password with password policy.
Auto Generate One Time PasswordEnable to generate password.
Auto Generate One Time Password SizeSet size of auto generate password: default: 8
Auto Generate One Time Password TypeSet type of auto generate password: default: Alphanumeric.
Auto Generate Password Character SetSet of specified characters to generate the password.
One Time Password ExpirySet One time password expiry, for days 2d, for hours 2h, for minutes 2m, for secs 2s.
Disable Update Password EventEnable to stop triggering update password, after successfully completing the password registration.
Hash and store secret passwordIn hashed format, user's secret password will be stored.
Header on filtering secret credential ID, when Verify Secret Password is enabledThe data in the specified header will be appended with credential ID to verify the secret password.
Select Way of Next StepSelect Option to proceed to next step, login will redirect to login page and continue to move to next step.
Do loginSet the url which needs to be redirected.
Redirect URLSpecify the Redirect URL to include in all pages.
Form Texts ScriptInclude custom texts to be displayed in the Form with support for different locale.
JSON Script for Headless V2 themeJSON to display inputs in Headless V2 theme.

KOBIL User Password Registration flow

User Flow

Execution Flow

This execution contains the following main steps:

  1. It is mandatory that KOBIL User Password Registration must be preceded by another Authenticator, since it procures username from this precedent authenticator. For instance: KOBIL Login for user identification.
  2. User provides username.
  3. Execution verifies if the username exists on IDP Provider.
  4. User is requested to update the new password and confirm the same.
KOBIL User Password Registration flow