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There are two main types of tokens in KOBIL Secure Services. MC-Token is used to perform secured operations between MC SDK and KOBIL IDP services, while the Token for external services has limited privileges and provides secure operations between external services and KOBIL IDP services.

Understanding MC Tokens for KOBIL Services

Purpose and Components

  • MC Tokens are designed to secure operations between the MC SDK and KOBIL IDP services, playing a vital role in the security of banking backend services.
  • These tokens include three independent tokens: access_token, refresh_token, and offline_token, each with its own validity period to enhance security.

Security Measures and Usage

  • MC Tokens are securely hidden and exclusively shared with KOBIL Secure Services, ensuring that backend operations are securely completed without exposing sensitive token information.
  • The MC SDK is engineered to never reveal the access_token and refresh_token, preventing applications that use the MC SDK from accessing these tokens. This is a crucial design choice for maintaining the security integrity of the application and its backend communications.

Token for External Services (Exchange IAM Token)

Functionality and Retrieval

  • The Token for External Services, enables applications to perform secure operations with external services by exchanging an IAM token.
  • Applications can obtain this token by triggering an ExchangeIAMTokenEvent with an audience parameter. The returned token is then used to identify users and validate their authorization status, supporting secure operations with external services.

Necessity and Strategic Use

  • The MC-Token is restricted to internal use within the secure boundary of the Master Controller to meet security and audit requirements, making it inaccessible for external use.
  • The Exchange IAM Token method is provided to identify and validate users externally without exposing critical functionality of the security server. Utilizing different audiences for various use cases adds an extra layer of security, tailoring access and permissions to specific needs.

Implementing Tokens in Your Development Work

For MC Tokens

  • Ensure your application integrates properly with the MC SDK to communicate securely with KOBIL IDP services.
  • Understand that direct access to MC Tokens is not possible through your application. Focus instead on implementing secure communication and operation protocols facilitated by the MC SDK.

For Tokens for External Services

  • Implement the ExchangeIAMTokenEvent in your application where you need to perform secure operations with external services.
  • Use the audience parameter effectively to specify and manage access for different functionalities, enhancing security through granularity in access control.

Note: By understanding and applying these principles, you ensure your applications maintain high security standards in communications and operations with KOBIL Secure Services, aligning with the best practices in mobile application development.

Use Case: Securely Fetching User Information with Token for External Services

Imagine you're developing a banking app that allows users to check their account balance, recent transactions, and update personal information. To ensure high security, the app uses KOBIL Secure Services for authentication and secure operations. After a successful login, your app receives an MC Token, which is used for secure communication within the app's backend. However, to perform operations that involve external services, such as fetching user profile information from a third-party API, you need to use the Exchange IAM Token.

Step-by-Step Scenario

User Logs In:

  • Alice opens her banking app and logs in using her credentials.
  • The app uses the MC SDK to authenticate Alice's login details with the KOBIL IDP services.
  • Upon successful authentication, the app receives an MC Token. This token is securely stored and managed by the MC SDK and is not directly accessible by the app.

Preparing to Fetch User Information:

  • Alice navigates to the profile section of the app, intending to update her phone number.
  • The app needs to fetch Alice's current information from a third-party service before she can make updates. However, this operation requires a secure token that can be validated by the external service.

Exchanging the MC Token for an Exchange IAM Token:

  • The app initiates an ExchangeIAMTokenEvent with a specific audience parameter that matches the external service's requirements.
  • The MC SDK processes this event and securely exchanges the MC Token for an Exchange IAM Token suited for the external service.

Fetching User Information:

  • With the Exchange IAM Token, the app crafts a secure HTTP request to the third-party service's API.
  • The token is included in the request's authorization header, ensuring the communication is authenticated and secure.
  • The third-party service validates the Exchange IAM Token and, upon successful validation, returns Alice's current profile information.

Updating User Information:

  • Alice updates her phone number and submits the changes.
  • The app sends another secure HTTP request to the third-party service, including the updated information and the Exchange IAM Token for validation.
  • The service updates Alice's profile with the new phone number.


In this scenario, the Exchange IAM Token acts as a secure bridge, allowing the banking app to safely interact with external services. By exchanging the MC Token for an Exchange IAM Token, the app ensures that operations like fetching and updating user information are performed securely, adhering to the high security standards required by both the app and external services. This process not only protects sensitive user data but also maintains a seamless and secure user experience.