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Token Handling API

Handling Exchange IAM Token by using API requests

This part of the documentation provides a detailed walkthrough for managing source and target clients within the IDP server. It encompasses the creation of clients, exchange of tokens, and various additional steps to establish a secure and efficient communication flow between clients and endpoints.

Create Source Client

  • General Info:

    • This client is the source client that will provide MC-TOKEN to the target client in order to be exchanged, and used later for other operations.
    • The {{source_client}} parameter specifies the name of the client to be created.
    • To create a source client, you could use the following API endpoint:
POST https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients
  • Sample Request Body:
Configure the request body parameters as follows:
"clientId": "{{source_client}}",
"name": "",
"description": "Source client in purpose of testing the API",
// ... (other parameters)
  • Response:
    • Upon successful execution, you will get HTTP 201 as a response, and the API will create the specified source client within the IDP realm.

Create Target Client

  • General Info:
    • Follow the same steps as above, replacing {{target_client}} with the desired target client name.
    • To exchange a token between the source and target clients, please use the following API endpoint:
POST https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients
  • Sample Request Body:
Configure the request body parameters as follows:
"clientId": "{{target_client}}",
"name": "",
"description": "Target client in purpose of testing the API",
"rootUrl": "",
// ... (other parameters)
  • Response:
    • Upon successful execution, you will get HTTP 201 as a response and the API will create the specified target client within the IDP realm.

Get Client UUID for any Client

  • General Info:

    • This API call retrieves the client UUID for a specific client within the IDP realm.
    • The client UUID is essential for various configuration and management tasks.
    • To get a client UUID use the following API endpoint:
    GET https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients?clientId={{source_client}}

    Client name can be any clientID that exists in IDP server e.g {{source_client}} or {{target_client}} or any other {{client_name}}.

  • Sample Response:

    • Upon successful execution, you will receive an HTTP 200 response with details about the specified client, including its UUID. For example:
"id": "02434b30-ad16-4be0-81b4-f072c6cbf242",
"clientId": "clientSource",
"name": "",
"description": "Test Client from postman",
"rootUrl": "",
"adminUrl": "",
"baseUrl": "",

Create Token Exchange Policy for Source Client

  • General Info:
    • This API call is used to create a token exchange policy for a source client within the IDP realm.
    • The token exchange policy defines specific configurations for secure token exchanges. API Endpoint:
POST https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients/{{realm_mgmt_uuid}}/authz/resource-server/policy
  • Sample Request Body:
Configure the request body parameters as follows:
"name": "{{token_exchange_policy_name}}",
"type": "client",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"config": {
"clients": ["{{source_uuid}}"]
  • Sample Response:

Upon successful execution, you will receive an HTTP 200 response with details about the created token exchange policy:

"id": "f4959e35-6e2a-4abe-87f6-138092f79ec9",
"name": "PolicyClient",
"type": "client",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"config": {
"clients": ["02434b30-ad16-4be0-81b4-f072c6cbf242"]

Enable Permissions for Target Client

  • General Info:
    • This API call enables permissions for a target client within the Keycloak realm.
    • The endpoint for enabling permissions for the target client is:
POST https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients/{{target_uuid}}/management/permissions
  • Sample Request Body:
Configure the request body parameters as follows:
"enabled": true
  • Sample Response:

    • Upon successful execution, you will receive an HTTP 200 response with details about the enabled permissions for the target client:
"enabled": true,
"resource": "0f50d641-38ce-4589-a390-b76bf19d4beb",
"scopePermissions": {
"view": "88a4a2ae-d26b-4d6d-9378-d4b37b6f214d",
"manage": "0b379f99-107e-424a-8834-3d9ef673fe5f",
"configure": "17012f74-0680-49d5-82b3-cbef77a4d0d6",
"map-roles": "120a5cd9-6fc2-42b7-9f3d-14c07cf0535a",
"map-roles-client-scope": "a2c0d423-5723-46f7-91e5-eb142b60b499",
"map-roles-composite": "e2c3c1ca-7bef-43ab-9a00-aa8e5a7e685a",
"token-exchange": "3521e745-d14a-4f36-a66b-84a492f50a35"

This API call facilitates enabling permissions for the target client within the IDP realm. Customize the parameters according to your specific requirements for enhanced security and access control.

Get Token Exchange Scope ID

  • General Info:
    • This API call retrieves the ID for token exchange scopes within the Keycloak realm.
    • The endpoint for getting token exchange scope IDs is:
GET https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients/{{realm_mgmt_uuid}}/authz/resource-server/scope
  • Sample Response:

    • Upon successful execution, you will receive an HTTP 200 response with details about the token exchange scope IDs:
"id": "a2ef25ae-0714-48aa-b991-afaed5047fe6",
"name": "configure"

"id": "e20e72f9-c085-4aa8-92e0-a6b16e840f91",
"name": "manage"

"id": "f1a7e471-e756-49da-9a29-4b4dc404d06a",
"name": "map-roles"

"id": "82466ebf-4951-4c3d-829c-cb7870f9180f",
"name": "map-roles-client-scope"

"id": "5e532229-4655-4093-867e-20b80f80f28d",
"name": "map-roles-composite"

"id": "01179eef-f019-41ea-8508-5ef0630cb52a",
"name": "token-exchange"

"id": "d5de278e-f433-437d-a1d1-5a268e83ae1f",
"name": "view"

Update Token Exchange Permission Policy with Source TEP Policy

  • General Info:
    • This API call updates the token exchange permission policy with the source Token Exchange Policy (TEP) within the Keycloak realm.
    • The endpoint for updating the token exchange permission policy is:
PUT https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{tenant}}/clients/{{realm_mgmt_uuid}}/authz/resource-server/permission/scope/{{token_exchange_permission_policy_id}}
  • Sample Request Body:
Configure the request body parameters as follows:
"id": "{{token_exchange_permission_policy_id}}",
"name": "token-exchange.permission.client.{{target_uuid}}",
"type": "scope",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": ["{{target_client_resource_id}}"],
"policies": ["{{token_exchange_policy_id}}"],
"scopes": ["{{token_exchange_scope_id}}"]
  • Response:
  • Upon successful execution, you will receive an HTTP 201 response, indicating that the permission has been updated.

Token Exchange between Source and Target Clients

  • General Info:
    • This API call initiates a token exchange between the source and target clients within the Keycloak realm.
    • The endpoint for the token exchange is:
POST https://idp.{{base_url}}/auth/realms/{{tenant}}/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • Sample Request Body:
Configure the request body parameters as follows:
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange",
"client_id": "{{source_client}}",
"subject_token": "{{source_token}}",
"audience": "{{target_client}}",
"subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token"
  • Sample Response:

    • Upon successful execution, you will receive an HTTP 200 response with the exchanged tokens:
"access_token": "{{token}}",
"expires_in": 300,
"refresh_expires_in": 1800,
"refresh_token": "{{refresh_token}}",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"not-before-policy": 1702992349,
"session_state": "1e8e00e7-478c-4873-858e-93492007c6d9",
"scope": "profile email"

Handling Exchange IAM Token via IDP console

  1. Create a client - ID which is called as ExchangeToken in your Workspace, and give token_exchange permission.
  2. Set the created client - ID as audience of your rest call.
  3. In next step, navigate to your IDP server, and add Client Policy to any existing client to send exchange token request.
  4. Please configure the client_id of your rest call, as the Client Policy value on the KOBIL - IDP server side.

  • Every exchange token request can be handled by the Authorization Token.
  • In this step, client_id of your rest call needs to be set as the Client Policy value on the KOBIL - IDP server side.

Example of Exchange Token setup.

Example of Authorization Token setup.

  • General Info:

    • Exchange token requests can only be sent to the selected Client Policies.
    • Token requests are valid for every 300 seconds, to see the details of your exchange token requests, you could check the
  • Performing the API Request and Response:

    • To get more info about the request body configurations and responses, you could check the Token API methods.