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Shift Deployment Configuration Guide

Scope: Getting an general overview

Configuration Guide for KOBIL Shift Services Deployment:

Administration and flow configuration is covered in Shift Administration / not to be included in Website for now.

Basic configuration approach:

All services are configured using edits to KOBIL Shift meta-configuration file "values.yaml". This covers service configuration and also "switches" which allow KOBIL services to be enabled for deployment ("enable: true|false" for each KOBIL service component). All KOBIL Shift services are configured by this initial meta-configuration "values.yaml" file.

How does does KOBIL Shift configuration happen in-depth

The in depth description is for transparency reasons only. All KOBIL Shift Configuration has to be done via key-value pairs in the meta-coniguratino file "values.yaml" only. Modifying the KOBIL Service Charts directly is not supported.

  1. There are Builtin-Defaults at image/code-level which are overruled - if available by

  2. (Predeployment) ConfigMap stored settings which are overruled - if available by

  3. Standard configuration functionality in ServiceChart-section by key-value pairs which are overruled - if available by

  4. Deployment configuration in meta-configuration file "values.yaml" per ServiceChart-section using the "valuesOverwrite" logic