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Shift-Operator Configuration: Parameter Reference

Note: always refer to the used KOBIL Shift-Operator release "README" file

global.imagePullSecretslistImage pull secrets added to pod spes generated by this chart.["registry-secret"]
global.registrystringDocker registry for KOBIL provided docker images""
global.registryPublicstringDocker registry for public provided docker images""
global.limitsobjectLimits for kubernetes object names{"lengths":{"commonName":63,"fullname":43,"releaseName":16}}
global.annotations.commonobjectCustom annotations added to deployment metadata and pod spec{}
global.annotations.workloadobjectCustom annotations added to pod spec{}
global.labels.workloadPodobjectCustom labels added to pod spec{}
global.routing.istio.enabledboolGlobally enable/disable creation of istio ingress gateways and virtual services. Requires istio operator.true
global.serviceMonitor.enabledboolGlobally enable/disable creation of serviceMonitor object. Requires prometheus operator.false
helmRepo.urlstringPrivate KOBIL Chart repository URL""
helmRepo.usernamestringPrivate KOBIL Chart repository username""
helmRepo.passwordstringPrivate KOBIL Chart repository password""
replicaCountstringReplica count for KOBIL Shift Operator pods"1"
initContainerobjectOptional additional parameter for init-container.{}
mainContainerobjectSection for KOBIL Shift Operator MainContainer runtime{}
MainContainer.imageobjectSection to specific KOBIL Shift Operator image repo and tag{}
readinessProbeobjectSection for configuration k8s readiness Probe{}
livenessProbeobjectSection for configuration k8s liveness Probe{}
resourcesobjectSection for configuration k8s KOBIL Shift Operator runtime resources{}
sidecars.tailLogobjectenable default covered "tailLog" sidecar{"enabled":false}
mountsobjectSection for specific mount configurations{}
routingobjectSection for specific k8s routing setup{}
podobjectSection for specific k8s pod runtime settings{}
pod.serviceAccountobjectSection serviceAccount assignment for KOBIL Shift Operator Pod runtime{}
pod.securityContextobjectSection securityContext assignment for KOBIL Shift Operator Pod runtime{}