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KOBIL Shift Installation overview

Shift Installation Overview

This section explains how to deploy KOBIL Shift Services.

Single type of installs - for all use-cases (tests, POC, production usage)

  • The KOBIL Shift deployment is a standard helm deployment with setup per "helm install" using the helm chart packages to allow any sizing (test-deployment, POC or production scale usage).

  • The KOBIL Shift installation is a two step deployment: Find here more details to first install KOBIL Shift-Operator here
    Shift-Operator configuration and installation - then to install KOBIL Shift Shift configuration and installation

  • The KOBIL Shift installation can be modified sub-sequentially to add or remove services without a need to re-install. This allows i.e. to modify from initial testing to POC and to preprod-sizing with tuning parameters.

Prequisites: Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster Configuration.

Platform - Kubernetes 1.24+ only

Private KOBIL Image Repository and Chart Repository access credentials ready for the Chart Repository on and the Image Repository on Please request for access to get Credential-Sets from KOBIL - find details here: Verify KOBIL Repository Access
Note: It is required to create the ImagePull-Secret in targeted namespace.

Install KOBIL Shift by "helm install" using KOBIL Shift helm chart packages. Deployment design is, to make use of a unique namespace hosting the KOBIL Shift services. By this multiple KOBIL Shift deployments (each per namespace) can be deployed in one k8s cluster environment. Each KOBIL Shift deployment then makes use of its own Redis- and Kafka-serviced in the targeted namespace. The release requirements are documented in the KOBIL Shift Charts README file (see Verify KOBIL Repository Access) in detail.

An appropriate "kubeconfig" file for the target k8s cluster environment has to be created by the kuberntes cluster DevOPS team.

Prequisites: Requirements / Operators / Environment

Required external operators (see Installation of external Operators (Istio, Strimzi))

  • Istio-Operator and Istio-ServiceMesh services
  • Strimzi-Kafka-Operator for Kafka services

Databases - DB-Services for KOBIL Shift services:

  • Postgres (scram-sha-256 password hashing is NOT supported)
  • Redis
  • Kafka Queues/Topics as requirement for all AST-services (per namespace) per Strimzi-Operator
  • ElasticSearch (optional)

Find more information details regarding currently supported versions in System Requirements

Having DBMS/DB-service available to store KOBIL service data which is accessible from used KOBIL Shift namespace. KOBIL strongly recommends using a cluster external full managed DBMS.

High Level Deployment Procedure

  • get the Redis services deployed and running in the targeted namespace which is used for the KOBIL Shift deployment
  • get the access credentials for the external DBMS/rdbms service and ensure access from KOBIL Shift services namespace outbound is fine
  • get the Strimzi-Kafka-Operator deployed and running to be used from targeted namespace which is used for the KOBIL Shift deployment (details see: Installation of external Operators (Istio, Strimzi))
  • create the Image Repository Secret "imagePull-Secret" to enable kubernetes runtime to load private KOBIL images. (see also: Verify KOBIL Repository Access)
  • get the KOBIL Shift-Operator configured, deployed and running in the targeted namespace which is used for the KOBIL Shift deployment (see also: Installation of KOBIL Shift Operator)
  • get the KOBIL Shift configured and deployed into the targeted namespace
  • get the ServiceMesh (Istio-Operator) updated and verify Gateway integration (find available CRDs DestinationRule and VirtualServices in KOBIL Shift namespace) (details see: Exposing Shift to the Network via Istio ServiceMesh)