Installation of external Operators
Installation of external Operators (Istio, Strimzi)
Istio Operator
Requirement is documented by KOBIL Shift README - see here: KOBIL Shift README
You may use istioctl
tool to deploy the Istio-Operator - note the "istioctl" tool is platform specific.
Find more info here:
Related to the KOBIL Shift release requirement make use of the
appropriate supported "Istio"-Release. Note, that KOBIL is not
supporting the Istio Service Mesh service and expects this is managed at
platform infrastructure level.
Find here more info:
Sample install:
istioctl --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml operator init
istioctl --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml install
Once initial istio "init" and "install" is done - then create IstioOperator CRD object. Verify the CRD is created in istio-system namespace
kubectl create -f ./crd-istiooperator.yaml # use sample source crd-istiooperator.yaml
kubectl get -n istio-system
The Mesh Services functionality when using the RedHat "Openshift Server Mesh" could be configured with "Multi-tenancy" or "Cluster-Wide" feature. KOBIL Shift Operator functionality is designed to make use of Mesh Service with Cluster-wide feature. Find more info about specific Service Mesh configuration details here: Exposing Shift to the Network via Istio ServiceMesh
Strimzi Kafka Operator
(platform requirement / sample info here)
using public resources to deploy the Strimzi Kafka-operator.
Find more info here:
Sample install:
helm --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml install kafka -n kafka
strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi-kafka-operator --repo --set watchAnyNamespace=true
Important note: The Strimzi Shift Operator release is affecting the
Kafka-services releases. The dependency for Strimzi Shift Operator
release to Kafka release is documented here: - scroll down and find the "Version Matrix" showing i.e.:
Redis Services
Make use of standard Redis service using Redis 6.2.x or higher. Verify the Redis service name in the KOBIL Shift namespace which is later on required for the edits to the shift charts. KOBIL Shift makes use of simple authentication with password only Redis setup. More configuration details are covered here: Configure Database Services for KOBIL Shift
Prometheus Operator
When enable KOBIL Shift parameter "serviceMonitor" this enables objects to create automated metrics endpoint. Running the KOBIL Shift deployment then created CRDs of type "serviceMonitor" in the KOBIL Shift namespace covering the required "scraping"-details.