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Installation of KOBIL Shift Operator

Installation of KOBIL Shift Operator

In preparation for the installation configuration reading the README of Shift Operator Charts is required.

Configuration of KOBIL Shift-Operator

KOBIL Shift-Operator charts are available from private KOBIL Chart repository kobil/shift-operator.

The configuration for the KOBIL Shift-Operator deployment is done by editing the Shift-Operator metaconfiguration file values.yaml only (see Shift-Operator configuration and installation).

Installation of KOBIL Shift-Operator

Most important settings for Shift-Operator are the private KOBIL repository access credentials to receive KOBIL Service sub-charts during deployment and to download the images. Edit the metaconfiguration-file "values.yaml" then to cover the Image Repository access by Secret (imagePullSecret) and the KOBIL Chart repository access by key helmRepo.username and helmRepo.password. In case of using locally proxied Chart-Repo and/or Image-Repos - you may adopt this by keys global.registry and key helmRep.url (for custom chart repo) in the "values.yaml". 

Ensure to have the imagePullSecret created first and configured before running the helm install for the KOBIL Shift Operator (see below section for imagePullSecret).

Then run the helm install - see sample commands here:

helm install release_name -f metaconfiguration-file -n shift_namespace repository-name \
--version <version_number>

# Sample commands:
# use helm pull to review full charts archive file - here repo registration name is "kobil"
helm pull kobil/shift
# download only KOBIL Shift-Operator metaconfig values.yaml
helm show values kobil/shift-operator > shift-operator.values.yaml

# configure/edit your metaconfig and deploy - sample commands:
helm install shift-operator -f ./shift-operator-values.yaml -n kobilshift kobil/shift-operator
helm install shift-operator -f ./shift-operator-values.yaml -necosystem1 kobil/shift-operator \
--version 0.9.0