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KOBIL Shift (Test-)Installation

KOBIL Shift (Test-)Installation

In preparation for the installation configuration reading the README of Shift is required.

Requirement for initial steps:

  • Request & get private KOBIL Repository access credentials for KOBIL Chart-Repository and KOBIL Image-Repository Find more info for Repo access credentials here: [KOBIL Docker Repository/Getting Access]

  • Check for valid Host/Domain-names (TLS-Endpoint termination considerations)

  • Check for current Shift requirements from the Readme files (helm show readme kobil/shift)

Most important for this is the Chart package "" file. Find "README" files for KOBIL Shift and Shift-Operator covering the full overall description. The "README" files are available from the private KOBIL helm chart repository - for the chart packages shift and shift-operator. So please first register the "KOBIL Chart Repository" to your helm enviornment.

KOBIL Shift Installation

KOBIL Shift Services

KOBIL Shift charts are available from private KOBIL Chart repository "kobil/shift".

Once the KOBIL Shift-Operator is deployed the Shift deployment is possible (KOBIL Shift-Operator proper deployment is the initial requirement for KOBIL Shift deployment). Set your appropriate configuration for the KOBIL Services and run "helm install" for the Shift charts - which is then honored and processed by the KOBIL Shift-Operator and will run sub-sequent "helm install" for KOBIL Shift services (see output of helm list). The KOBIL Shift-Operator is using the Strimzi-Kafka-operator to deploy the Kafka resources as appropriate during processing the KOBIL Shift deployment. The Service Mesh CRDs (virtualservices and destinationrules) and Gateway(s) are created into the KOBIL Shift namespace too.

Configuration KOBIL Shift

Download the Shift chart package and edit to targeted configuration. The configuration for the KOBIL Shift deployment is done by editing the Shift metaconfiguration file "values.yaml" only.

  • For a full permanent deployment KOBIL Shift must be configured prior to deployment.

Installation for POCs/Deployment Tests

Installation for POCs/Deployment Tests of KOBIL Shift deployments is covered by the default KOBIL Shift Chart package.
For the POCs/Deployment Tests the very same KOBIL Charts and Images are used covering the full functionality.

IMPORTANT: It is not possible to move from POCs/Deployment Test to a valid and secure deployment of KOBIL Shift. The deployment including it's PostGreSQL tables/db and Kafka Topics have to be discarded after POCs/Deployment Test run

The POCs setup mode is configured by using metaconfiguration "values.yaml" parameter testInstallation:true.

Sample from KOBIL Shift Chart values.yaml:

As a minimum configuration:

  • The Shift operator has to be configured [Shift-Operator configuration and installation]
  • The databases have to be configured [Configure Database Services for KOBIL Shift]

Then run the "helm install" - see sample commands here:

helm install <release_name> -f <metaconfiguration-file> -n <shift_namespace> <repository-name> \
--version <version_number>

# Sample commands:
# use helm pull to review full charts archive file - here repo registration name is "kobil"
helm pull kobil/shift
# download only KOBIL Shift metaconfig values.yaml
helm show values kobil/shift > shift.values.yaml

# configure/edit your metaconfig and deploy - sample commands:
helm install shift -f ./shift.values.yaml -n kobilshift kobil/shift
helm install kobilshift -f ./ecosys-values.yaml -n ecosystem1 kobil/shift \
--version 0.156.0