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Verify KOBIL Repository Access

KOBIL Repository Access

Requesting for KOBIL private Repository access

All KOBIL images and KOBIL helm charts are hosted on public accessible services by KOBIL private repositories.  KOBIL Image repository is hosted at Azure Container Registry ( Any KOBIL Shift image is provided via repository download only. The KOBIL Charts are hosted on (Chart Repository).

Please contact KOBIL Project Team for onboarding ( and to request for Credential Sets for the Image- and the Chart-repository each. Both repositories access are independent and therefore 2 credential sets are required and provided.

Verify access to KOBIL private chart repository

Sample commands to add/validate "helm repository" and pulling KOBIL Charts as an initial action

  • here first to register the KOBIL Chart Repository for helm. In this sample the KOBIL Shift repository is named "kobil" referencing to the KOBIL private Chart repository:
# register the KOBIL repository to your local workstation helm repo context
# helm repo add <repository_alias> <remote_repository> --username=<your-username> --password=<your-password>

# here naming the KOBIL Chart repository as "kobil"
helm repo add kobil --username {chart_username} --password {chart_password}
helm repo list
helm repo update

# search and verify to get a list of available kobil/shift packages helm search repo kobil/shift
helm search repo kobil/shift -l
# sample to pull specific operator version
helm pull kobil/shift-operator --version=0.15.0 charts
# sample to pull default latest shift charts
helm pull kobil/shift

# native curl check
curl -v -u '<your-username>:<your-password>'

Verify access to KOBIL private image repository

Sample commands to validate "docker repository" access and pulling an image as an initial action - here to pulling image via local docker tool

# direct docker login as sample:
docker login --username {chart_username} --password {chart_password}

user@styx:~\$ docker login
Username: <your-username>
Password: <your-password>

WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in

Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

# dummy download to verify image pull permission
docker pull

Download Readme Files

Once KOBIL helm chart repository access is registered and established:

  • Download Shift Readme - covered by KOBIL Shift Chart package. Direct download per: helm show readme kobil/shift

  • Download Shift-Operator Readme - covered by KOBIL Shift-Operator Chart package. Direct download per: helm show readme kobil/shift-operator 

Create the KOBIL "imagePull-Secret"

To allow the kubernetes runtime at time of KOBIL Shift deployment (for KOBIL Shift-Operator and also KOBIL Shift) to be granted for accessing the private KOBIL images it make use of the metaconfiguration parameter for the secret "global.imagePullSecrets". This enables the authorisation to download the KOBIL images.
Find here sample to create secret named "registry-kobil".

kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-kobil \ \
--docker-username=your_user_token_name \