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KOBIL Shift services initial verification

Shift Installation Verification

Audience: Admin-Expert (DevOps) to validate the KOBIL Shift deployment.

KOBIL Shift deployment is a 2 step deployment:

  • First install the KOBIL Shift-Operator Charts to the target namespace
  • Secondly install the KOBIL Shift Charts to the target namespace.

Validation of KOBIL Shift-Operator deployment

  • Validate the created image pull secret first - and ensure image download works
    Find more info for Repo access credentials here: KOBIL Repository Access In case the image pull secret covers invalid access credentials, the image pull action fails and creates events.

  • When running the helm install shift-operator .... you may use debug option for helm and to save the output for review.
    Sample helm install shift-operator -n shift -f ./shift-operator.yaml --debug 2>&1 | tee shift-op.install.out

  • When the KOBIL Shift Operator is successfully deployed you will find appropriate deployment and created KOBIL CRD. Verify by running:
    kubectl get deployment - here we expect to see the KOBIL Shift Operator deployment is available
    kubectl get crd | grep -i kobil - here we expect to see the KOBIL servicegroup CRD was created and is listed

Validation of KOBIL Shift deployment

  • Validate the Shift Operator pod is running - and validate events for its runtime.

  • When running the helm install shift .... you may use debug option for helm and to save the output for review (see Operator above).

  • Running the helm install shift ....deployment will create the KOBIL Shift CRD "servicegroup" objects which are then processed by the KOBIL Shift Operator.

  • When the KOBIL Shift helm install is successfully processed you will find appropriate "servicegroup" objects. Verify by running:
    kubectl get servicegroups - here we expect to see multiple servicegroup objects (depending on the deployed services)
    helm list [-n namespace] - here we expect to see the KOBIL Shift services applied into this namespace

  • The KOBIL Shift Operator will process the KOBIL Shift servicegroup objects and update the READY status (which is on TRUE once the servicegroup is successfully processed).

  • The KOBIL Shift Operator will run the helm install <service> ..... for the specified services per servicegroup object settings. Therefore running a helm list will show the installed KOBIL Shift microservices.

Sample data

Checking the Kubernetes resources for deployt KOBIL Shift.
Due to the 2stage deployment implementation - first doing the KOBIL Shift-Operator - then the KOBIL Shift, it is important to check for the pod runtime and servicegroups.


# verify pod runtime  (Item 1 - find below more info)
kubectl get pods

# verify READY status for KOBIL Shift "servicegroups" (Item 2)
kubectl get servicegroups

# checking for servicegroup events (Item 3)
kubectl describe servicegroup <servicegroup-name>

# checking for deployments (Item 4)
kubectl get deployments

# checking for the Kafka-resouces (Item 5)
kubectl get kafka
kubectl get kafkatopics

# checking for the helm installed "releases" (Item 6)
helm list
helm list --all

The expected info is as follows:


Item 1: kubectl get pods should show all pods at stable runtime (READY status) and no (high) restart counts:

NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
shift-ast-client-properties-76bc8d48-zs4r7 1/1 Running 0 3h14m
shift-ast-key-protection-5699f5b8-cpjhp 1/1 Running 0 49d
shift-ast-localization-56fc7767-7f2wb 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-ast-stream-7bd47cb-vkj87 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-ast-tms-5fbddff8-x56pr 1/1 Running 0 3h46m
shift-ast-version-7957588f-slxvt 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-ast-webhooks-65d49456-cgtnr 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-astca-699f7f7c-zqtf8 1/1 Running 0 3h46m
shift-astclientmanagement-56c77fd4-nnq58 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-astcpb-5d7fd968-cfsqj 1/1 Running 0 47d
shift-astlogin-58fbb9fb-st58v 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-idp-core-6f4c5779-kkbx6 1/1 Running 0 6d8h
shift-idp-scp-connector-6c6cc694-kkxv2 1/1 Running 0 42d
shift-scp-notifier-54568f6d-4cbrx 3/3 Running 0 42d
shift-operator-g-shift-operator-69bbcf75-wdqmk 1/1 Running 0 3h47m

Item 2: kubectl get servicegroup should show all servicegroups are at READY status "true" (not on "false")

NAME                           READY   SERVICES
shift-gondor-pt-shift-ast true {"ast-client-properties":{"chart":"ast-client-properties","version":"7.4.3"},....}
shift-gondor-pt-shift-idp true {"idp-core":{"chart":"idp-core-ibm-pkv","version":"2.5.0"},....}
shift-gondor-pt-shift-kafka true {"kafka":{"chart":"kafka","version":"0.15.0"}}
shift-gondor-pt-shift-scp true {"scp-notifier":{"chart":"scp-notifier","version":"0.43.1"}}

Item 3: kubectl describe servicegroup <servicegroup> will provide you more details about servicegroup in case of READY:false status.

NAME                           READY   SERVICES
shift-gondor-pt--shift-ast false {"ast-client-properties".......}
Name:         shift-shift-ast
Namespace: env-gondor-rqqyv
Annotations: shift-
API Version:
Kind: ServiceGroup
Creation Timestamp: 2023-01-26T15:36:22Z
Failure: Installation ast-tms:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress
Installation astca:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress

Ready: false

Item 4: kubectl get deployment should show all deployments being READY and started pods are matching

NAME                                   {color:#172b4d}READY{color}READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
shift--ast-client-properties 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--ast-key-protection 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--ast-localization 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--ast-stream 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--ast-tms 2/2 1 1 281d
shift--ast-version 2/2 1 1 281d
shift--ast-webhooks 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--astca 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--astclientmanagement 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--astcpb 1/1 1 1 281d
shift--astlogin 2/2 1 1 281d
shift--idp-core 3/3 1 1 281d
shift--idp-scp-connector 1/1 1 1 274d
shift--kafka-cluster-entity-operator 1/1 1 1 152d
shift--scp-notifier 2/2 1 1 281d
shift-operator-g-shift-operator 1/1 1 1 348d


Item 5: kubectl get kafkatopics should show all kafkatopics being READY "true"

NAME                                  CLUSTER               PARTITIONS  REPLICATION FACTOR   READY shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 {color:#172b4d}True{color} shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True
.. shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True
com.kobil.ast.tms.status shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True shift-kafka-cluster 10 1 True

Item 6: helm list will provide details about helm deployed releases (services) in this namespace

NAME                                                 	NAMESPACE          	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                                          	APP VERSION    
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-client-data-generator env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 9 2023-12-18 14:38:00.081755736 +0000 UTC deployed ast-client-data-generator-0.1.0-rc.712711 0.1.0-rc.712711
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-client-properties env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:12.821127605 +0000 UTC deployed ast-client-properties-8.20.6 8.20.6
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-key-protection env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:16.719239255 +0000 UTC deployed ast-key-protection-0.9.2 0.9.2
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-localization env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:19.925392715 +0000 UTC deployed ast-localization-0.11.5 0.11.5
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-stream env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:22.658442902 +0000 UTC deployed ast-stream-5.4.4 5.4.4
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-tms env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:25.814348565 +0000 UTC deployed ast-tms-0.23.3 0.23.3
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-version env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:30.072663711 +0000 UTC deployed ast-version-11.9.0 11.9.0
shift-oc-ibmpkv--ast-webhooks env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:33.389010512 +0000 UTC deployed ast-webhooks-5.17.1 5.17.1
shift-oc-ibmpkv--astca env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:37.824305236 +0000 UTC deployed astca-5.7.5 5.7.5
shift-oc-ibmpkv--astclientmanagement env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:41.712266343 +0000 UTC deployed astclientmanagement-7.20.7 7.20.7
shift-oc-ibmpkv--astcpb env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:44.449769287 +0000 UTC deployed astcpb-4.6.1 4.6.1
shift-oc-ibmpkv--astlogin env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 10 2023-12-18 14:38:47.016123026 +0000 UTC deployed astlogin-4.16.4 4.16.4
shift-oc-ibmpkv--idp-core env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 376 2024-01-10 13:53:00.814291772 +0000 UTC deployed idp-core-ibm-pkv-2.5.1-rc.795623 2.5.1-rc.795623
shift-oc-ibmpkv--idp-scheduler env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 66 2024-01-10 13:43:48.184633517 +0000 UTC deployed idp-scheduler-0.1.4 0.1.4
shift-oc-ibmpkv--idp-scp-connector env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 376 2024-01-10 13:53:05.131951525 +0000 UTC deployed idp-scp-connector-1.5.0 1.5.0
shift-oc-ibmpkv--kafka env-oc-mpkv-gf4wr 11 2023-12-18 14:38:00.209407762 +0000 UTC deployed kafka-0.15.0 0.15.0