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KOBIL Repository Access

All KOBIL images and helm charts are hosted on public accessible services by KOBIL private repositories.  KOBIL Image repository is hosted at MicroSoft Azure Container Registry (Image-Repository). Any KOBIL image are only provided via repository download. The KOBIL Charts are hosted on (Chart-Repository).

Please contact your technical contact at KOBIL to get access.

Access to KOBIL image repository hosted on Microsoft Azure

  • KOBIL private repository hosted on Azure Container Registry services is not tied to local MicroSoft account active directory. A separate credential set is required for accessing.

  • KOBIL repository administration will provide access token and password (credential set) to the customer to access Azure Container Repository (ACR) for pulling images.

  • The "credential set" handling and management for the customer is done by KOBIL ONLY. There is no option by customer to revoke or renew password or any other administrative action. The credential-set is NOT a set of ACR userid and password for accessing and logon to the ACR. The credential-set is for using pull actions to retrieve KOBIL images only.

  • The ACR access token is associated with ACR "scope-map" granting access to specific KOBIL repositories.

  • Accessing the ACR and pulling images is fully compatible to native docker activities and allows customer to run with docker tools as before (including standard helm deployment)

Testing access to KOBIL image repository via docker login

Access to KOBIL chart repository hosted by KOBIL for downloading the helm charts  (Helm Chart repository / Chart packages)

  • KOBIL private chart repository is hosted by KOBIL on

  • KOBIL chart repository administration will provide user-name and password (credential set) to the customer to access the repository for pulling KOBIL chart packages.

  • The "credential set" management for the customer is done by KOBIL ONLY. There is no option by customer to revoke or renew password or any other administrative action.

  • The "credential set" is granting read-only access to the KOBIL private chart repositories.

  • Pulling the KOBIL helm chart packages is done via helm tool.

Testing access to KOBIL chart repository via helm repo add kobil ...

Find more info from Verify KOBIL Repo Access