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Operations Guide

Operations - see here / old docu -

Operations sections are

  • deployment runtime status (health status)
  • monitoring & logging & metrics
  • saving existing deployment to prepare for disaster recovery
  • alert management
  • mPower/mID tuning / re-sizing / update deployment
  • IVP (Installation Verification Procedure)
  • Guide for adding Services (mPay, mConnect, mScoring, mRisk-Management .. )


Deployment runtime status (Live-status for all services) - Metrics for (Security Server, IDP, SCP, nginx, ingress-controller)

Reconfigure the deployment (pod related tuning/reconfiguration - Replicas, resources/limits,,,) via ConfigMap and Chart configuration data (find details in installation guide)

Monitoring (see mBattery / Grafana sample) - see above "metrics" / Deployment runtime – here how to use mBattery tools) (Grafana Dashboard / scraping metrics)

Logging (see dependency / Grafana sample) – here how to use mBattery tools (saving pod log data)

Tracing (jaeger sample / howto) – here how to use mBattery tools (create tracing capabilities using jaeger tool)

Backup/Restore - Database housekeeping (synced backup / with or w/o scale-down .. more details about BestPractice)

Desaster-Recovery (what is required: A: Security Server B: IDP C: SCP and more services)

Verify current installation (mainly to check for Security Server and IDP operation) (Installation Verification Procedure / IVP) Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)