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Media Error Codes (SubSystem 775)

SubSystemErrorCodeHttp CodeNameDetails and TroubleshootingConsole Message
77510400UpstreamInvalidResponseInvalid response from the upstream service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
77511400UpstreamInvalidErrorMessageException while parsing the Error which is coming from the upstream service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
775400400BadRequestInvalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
775422400UnprocessableEntityInvalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
775400400ValidationFieldLengthInvalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details."[Bad Request] Validation error for body application/json: provided string should have size <= $maxLength for field $fieldName"
775401401UnauthorizedUnauthorized request. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Unauthorized"
775403403ForbiddenForbidden access request. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Forbidden"
775404404NotFoundResource not found. Check that the called URL is correct.message: String? = "Not Found"
775405405MethodNotAllowedMethod not allowed. Check that the called URL is correct.message: String? = "Method Not Allowed"
775500500InternalErrorInternal server error occured. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
775501501NotImplementedErrorThe called endpoint is not yet implemented. Check that the installed service version is correct.message: String? = "Not Implemented"
775503503ServiceUnavailableErrorService is unavailable to response. Check the response for additional detailsmessage: String? = "Service Unavailable"
7751103404ImageNotFoundImage is not found in the database. Please be sure that image is actually created"imageId $imageId on tenant $tenant not found"
7754001400MissingRequiredFieldMissing required field in Json object. Ensure all the required fields available in the Json object, check the response for missing field"Missing required $location"
7754002400MalformedFieldMalformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details."Malformed $locationAndReason"
775status.code()statusGenericHttpErrorGeneric http errormessage ?: status.reasonPhrase()

Additional Details and Troubleshooting

Error Codes between 1000-1099

These error codes are reserved for OIDC library which is basically related with authentication of tenants. If you see these errors, try to understand it from OIDC-Client library documentation. If not, contact with smartscreen team. There is a possibility of involvement of IDP in the problem-solving session.

Error Codes between 4001-4002

These error codes related with JSON parsing. Try to understand what is exactly failing from the response details. If not, contact with smartscreen team.