Search Error Codes (SubSystem 772)
SubSystem | ErrorCode | Http Code | Name | Details and Troubleshooting | Console Message |
772 | 10 | 400 | UpstreamInvalidResponse | message: String? = null | |
772 | 11 | 400 | UpstreamInvalidErrorMessage | Exception while parsing the Error which is coming from the upstream service. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = null |
772 | 12 | 500 | UpstreamRequestError | Exception while sending request to the upstream service. Check the response for additional details. | throwable.message |
772 | 13 | 500 | UpstreamConnectionPoolTooBusyError | Exception as upstream service's connection pool is busy while sending request to it. Try again, or increase the maxPoolSize for REST WebClient. | throwable.message |
772 | 14 | 500 | UpstreamRequestTimeoutError | Exception as upstream service's response is late. Try again, or increase the timeout for REST WebClient. | throwable.message |
772 | 15 | 500 | UpstreamConnectTimeoutError | Exception while trying to connect upstream service to send a request. Try again, or increase the connectTimeout for REST WebClient. | throwable.message |
772 | 400 | 400 | BadRequest | Invalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = null |
772 | 401 | 401 | Unauthorized | Check OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details. | message: String? = "Unauthorized" |
772 | 403 | 403 | Forbidden | Check OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details. | message: String? = "Forbidden" |
772 | 404 | 404 | NotFound | Resource not found. Check that the called URL is correct. | message: String? = "Not Found" |
772 | 405 | 405 | MethodNotAllowed | HTTP Method is not allowed. Check the OpenAPI specification to see which endpoints support which HTTP modes. | message: String? = "Method Not Allowed" |
772 | 406 | 400 | UnprocessableEntity | message: String? = null | |
772 | 500 | 500 | InternalError | message: String? = null | |
772 | 501 | 501 | NotImplementedError | The called endpoint is not yet implemented. Check that the installed service version is correct. | message: String? = "Not Implemented" |
772 | 1100 | 500 | QueryException | Exception happened during the Sql query execution. Check the response for additional details. | error.message |
772 | 3000 | 400 | SaveOpenWriter | Failure while open a lucene index writer on save. Check the response for additional details | message: String? = "Error opening writer while saving" |
772 | 3001 | 400 | SaveAddDocument | Failure while saving a Service to lucene index. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error saving a document" |
772 | 3002 | 400 | SaveCommit | Failure of committing during saving of a Service. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error committing a document while saving" |
772 | 3003 | 400 | SaveCloseWriter | message: String? = "Error closing the writer while saving" | |
772 | 3004 | 400 | UpdateOpenWriter | message: String? = "Error opening writer while updating" | |
772 | 3005 | 400 | UpdateDocument | Failure while updating a Service in lucene. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error updating the document" |
772 | 3006 | 400 | UpdateCommit | Failure of committing during updating a Service. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error committing the document while updating" |
772 | 3007 | 400 | UpdateCloseWriter | message: String? = "Error closing the writer while updating" | |
772 | 3008 | 400 | DeleteOpenWriter | message: String? = "Error opening writer while deleting" | |
772 | 3009 | 400 | DeleteDocument | Failure while deleting a Service from lucene index. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error deleting the document" |
772 | 3010 | 400 | DeleteCommit | Failure of committing during deletion of a Service. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error committing the document while deletin" |
772 | 3011 | 400 | DeleteCloseWriter | message: String? = "Error closing the writer while deleting" | |
772 | 3012 | 400 | AutoCompleteSuggest | Exception happened during executing query for autocomplete suggestion. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Exception occurred while suggesting a document" |
772 | 3013 | 400 | AutoCompleteOpenSuggester | message: String? = "Exception occurred while opening the suggester" | |
772 | 3014 | 400 | Search | Exception happened during executing query for search. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Exception occurred while searching a document" |
772 | 3015 | 400 | SearchOpenSearcher | message: String? = "Exception occurred while opening the searcher" | |
772 | 3016 | 404 | DocumentNotFound | Lucene document couldn't be found for requested service. Check Service id is correct. | "$message with id: $id" |
772 | 3017 | 400 | QueryRewriteError | Exception during re-writing of Search query. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Exception occurred while rewriting the query" |
772 | 3018 | 400 | SearchUnhandledException | throwable.message | |
772 | 3019 | 400 | InvalidServiceDocument | Exception happened while converting Lucene document to the Service. Ensure Document has convertible to the Service, check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing Service: <${error.message}>" |
772 | 3020 | 500 | ExplainException | Exception during lucene explain operation. Check the response for additional details. | "Explanation failed: <${error.message}>" |
772 | 3021 | 500 | BatchCommitError | Failure while committing a batch of updates. Check the response for additional details. | message: String? = "Error committing a batch of updates" |
772 | status.code() | status | GenericHttpError | message ?: status.reasonPhrase() | |
772 | 4001 | 400 | MissingRequiredField | Missing required field in Json object. Ensure all the required fields available in the Json object, check the response for missing field. | "Missing required $location" |
772 | 4002 | 400 | MalformedField | Malformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details. | "Malformed $locationAndReason" |
772 | 4003 | 400 | InvalidProviderSearchJson | Exception while parsing ProviderSearchResult. Check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing ProviderSearchResult: <${error.message}>" |
772 | 4004 | 400 | InvalidProviderSearchEntryJson | Exception while parsing ProviderSearchEntry. Check the response for additional details. | "Error parsing ProviderSearchEntry: <${error.message}>" |
772 | 4005 | 400 | InvalidProviderSearchHttpMode | Failure in Provider Search operation. Provider Search only supports HTTP POST and GET modes. | "HTTP mode ${} is not supported" |
772 | 5001 | 404 | TenantNotFound | Requested Tenant does not exist. Check whether respected tenant exists. | "Tenant $tenant not found" |
772 | 5002 | 404 | BranchNotFound | Requested Branch is not existing. Check respected branch is already exists, ensure branch you want to switch is already exists for your tenant. Use GET /branches from smartscreen-dashboard. | "Branch $branch not found" |
772 | 5003 | 404 | BranchExistsAlready | Branch name already exists. Ensure uniqueness of the branch name while saving. | "Branch $branch in tenant $tenant exists already" |
772 | 5004 | 400 | WrongUlidSequence | Cqrs event order is wrong. Ensure Cqrs events are consumed in correct order, check ulid values of respected event from service's logs. | "Event $ulid with prev ulid $prevUlid has not match with the last known ulid $currentLastUlid" |
772 | 5005 | 500 | UnexpectedTenantMapEvent | Unhandled event for the TenantMap. Ensure Cqrs event is a valid event, check the response for additional details. | "Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent" |
772 | 5006 | 500 | UnexpectedBranchMapEvent | Unhandled event for the BranchMap. Ensure Cqrs event is a valid event, check the response for additional details. | "Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent" |
772 | 5007 | 500 | UnexpectedViewEvent | Unhandled event for the View. Ensure Cqrs event is a valid event, check the response for additional details. | "Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent" |
772 | 5008 | 412 | VersionPreconditionFailed | Cannot execute request against expected version. Please wait a little bit, and retry again | "Waiting for version $expectedVersion timed out" |
Additional Details and Troubleshooting
Error Codes between 11-15
These error codes are related with REST communication between internal smartscreen services.
Try to adjust RestServices.WebClientOptions
parameters with respect to your current system load, and resources.
Error Codes between 1000-1099
These error codes are reserved for OIDC library
which is basically related with authentication of tenants.
If you see these errors, try to understand it from OIDC-Client library documentation. If not, contact with smartscreen
team. There is a possibility of involvement of IDP in the problem-solving session.
Error Codes between 3001-3021
These error codes related with Lucene
, check the response to understand the problem. If not, contact with smartscreen team.
Error Codes between 4001-4005
These error codes related with JSON parsing
. Try to understand what is exactly failing from the response details.
If not, contact with smartscreen team.
Error Codes between 5001-5007
These error codes related with in-memory database
(i.e. highly related with CQRS pattern). Try to understand what is
exactly failing from the response details and service logs. If not, contact with smartscreen team.