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Search Error Codes (SubSystem 772)

SubSystemErrorCodeHttp CodeNameDetails and TroubleshootingConsole Message
77210400UpstreamInvalidResponsemessage: String? = null
77211400UpstreamInvalidErrorMessageException while parsing the Error which is coming from the upstream service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
77212500UpstreamRequestErrorException while sending request to the upstream service. Check the response for additional details.throwable.message
77213500UpstreamConnectionPoolTooBusyErrorException as upstream service's connection pool is busy while sending request to it. Try again, or increase the maxPoolSize for REST WebClient.throwable.message
77214500UpstreamRequestTimeoutErrorException as upstream service's response is late. Try again, or increase the timeout for REST WebClient.throwable.message
77215500UpstreamConnectTimeoutErrorException while trying to connect upstream service to send a request. Try again, or increase the connectTimeout for REST WebClient.throwable.message
772400400BadRequestInvalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
772401401UnauthorizedCheck OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details.message: String? = "Unauthorized"
772403403ForbiddenCheck OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details.message: String? = "Forbidden"
772404404NotFoundResource not found. Check that the called URL is correct.message: String? = "Not Found"
772405405MethodNotAllowedHTTP Method is not allowed. Check the OpenAPI specification to see which endpoints support which HTTP modes.message: String? = "Method Not Allowed"
772406400UnprocessableEntitymessage: String? = null
772500500InternalErrormessage: String? = null
772501501NotImplementedErrorThe called endpoint is not yet implemented. Check that the installed service version is correct.message: String? = "Not Implemented"
7721100500QueryExceptionException happened during the Sql query execution. Check the response for additional details.error.message
7723000400SaveOpenWriterFailure while open a lucene index writer on save. Check the response for additional detailsmessage: String? = "Error opening writer while saving"
7723001400SaveAddDocumentFailure while saving a Service to lucene index. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error saving a document"
7723002400SaveCommitFailure of committing during saving of a Service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error committing a document while saving"
7723003400SaveCloseWritermessage: String? = "Error closing the writer while saving"
7723004400UpdateOpenWritermessage: String? = "Error opening writer while updating"
7723005400UpdateDocumentFailure while updating a Service in lucene. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error updating the document"
7723006400UpdateCommitFailure of committing during updating a Service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error committing the document while updating"
7723007400UpdateCloseWritermessage: String? = "Error closing the writer while updating"
7723008400DeleteOpenWritermessage: String? = "Error opening writer while deleting"
7723009400DeleteDocumentFailure while deleting a Service from lucene index. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error deleting the document"
7723010400DeleteCommitFailure of committing during deletion of a Service. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error committing the document while deletin"
7723011400DeleteCloseWritermessage: String? = "Error closing the writer while deleting"
7723012400AutoCompleteSuggestException happened during executing query for autocomplete suggestion. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Exception occurred while suggesting a document"
7723013400AutoCompleteOpenSuggestermessage: String? = "Exception occurred while opening the suggester"
7723014400SearchException happened during executing query for search. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Exception occurred while searching a document"
7723015400SearchOpenSearchermessage: String? = "Exception occurred while opening the searcher"
7723016404DocumentNotFoundLucene document couldn't be found for requested service. Check Service id is correct."$message with id: $id"
7723017400QueryRewriteErrorException during re-writing of Search query. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Exception occurred while rewriting the query"
7723019400InvalidServiceDocumentException happened while converting Lucene document to the Service. Ensure Document has convertible to the Service, check the response for additional details."Error parsing Service: <${error.message}>"
7723020500ExplainExceptionException during lucene explain operation. Check the response for additional details."Explanation failed: <${error.message}>"
7723021500BatchCommitErrorFailure while committing a batch of updates. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = "Error committing a batch of updates"
772status.code()statusGenericHttpErrormessage ?: status.reasonPhrase()
7724001400MissingRequiredFieldMissing required field in Json object. Ensure all the required fields available in the Json object, check the response for missing field."Missing required $location"
7724002400MalformedFieldMalformed field in Json object. Check the response for additional details."Malformed $locationAndReason"
7724003400InvalidProviderSearchJsonException while parsing ProviderSearchResult. Check the response for additional details."Error parsing ProviderSearchResult: <${error.message}>"
7724004400InvalidProviderSearchEntryJsonException while parsing ProviderSearchEntry. Check the response for additional details."Error parsing ProviderSearchEntry: <${error.message}>"
7724005400InvalidProviderSearchHttpModeFailure in Provider Search operation. Provider Search only supports HTTP POST and GET modes."HTTP mode ${} is not supported"
7725001404TenantNotFoundRequested Tenant does not exist. Check whether respected tenant exists."Tenant $tenant not found"
7725002404BranchNotFoundRequested Branch is not existing. Check respected branch is already exists, ensure branch you want to switch is already exists for your tenant. Use GET /branches from smartscreen-dashboard."Branch $branch not found"
7725003404BranchExistsAlreadyBranch name already exists. Ensure uniqueness of the branch name while saving."Branch $branch in tenant $tenant exists already"
7725004400WrongUlidSequenceCqrs event order is wrong. Ensure Cqrs events are consumed in correct order, check ulid values of respected event from service's logs."Event $ulid with prev ulid $prevUlid has not match with the last known ulid $currentLastUlid"
7725005500UnexpectedTenantMapEventUnhandled event for the TenantMap. Ensure Cqrs event is a valid event, check the response for additional details."Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent"
7725006500UnexpectedBranchMapEventUnhandled event for the BranchMap. Ensure Cqrs event is a valid event, check the response for additional details."Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent"
7725007500UnexpectedViewEventUnhandled event for the View. Ensure Cqrs event is a valid event, check the response for additional details."Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent"
7725008412VersionPreconditionFailedCannot execute request against expected version. Please wait a little bit, and retry again"Waiting for version $expectedVersion timed out"

Additional Details and Troubleshooting

Error Codes between 11-15

These error codes are related with REST communication between internal smartscreen services. Try to adjust RestServices.WebClientOptions parameters with respect to your current system load, and resources.

Error Codes between 1000-1099

These error codes are reserved for OIDC library which is basically related with authentication of tenants. If you see these errors, try to understand it from OIDC-Client library documentation. If not, contact with smartscreen team. There is a possibility of involvement of IDP in the problem-solving session.

Error Codes between 3001-3021

These error codes related with Lucene, check the response to understand the problem. If not, contact with smartscreen team.

Error Codes between 4001-4005

These error codes related with JSON parsing. Try to understand what is exactly failing from the response details. If not, contact with smartscreen team.

Error Codes between 5001-5007

These error codes related with in-memory database (i.e. highly related with CQRS pattern). Try to understand what is exactly failing from the response details and service logs. If not, contact with smartscreen team.