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Services Error Codes (SubSystem 771)

SubSystemErrorCodeHttp CodeNameDetails and TroubleshootingConsole Message
77110400UpstreamInvalidResponsemessage: String? = null
77111400UpstreamInvalidErrorMessagemessage: String? = null
771400400BadRequestInvalid data found in the request. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
771422400UnprocessableEntityException while converting sql row into the cqrs event. Check database doesn't include invalid cqrs events. Check the response for additional details.message: String? = null
771400400ValidationFieldLength"[Bad Request] Validation error for body application/json: provided string should have size <= $maxLength for field $fieldName"
771401401UnauthorizedCheck OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details.message: String? = "Unauthorized"
771403403ForbiddenCheck OIDC configuration. See service log for additional details.message: String? = "Forbidden"
771404404NotFoundResource not found. Check that the called URL is correct.message: String? = "Not Found"
771405405MethodNotAllowedHTTP Method is not allowed. Check the OpenAPI specification to see which endpoints support which HTTP modes.message: String? = "Method Not Allowed"
771500500InternalErrormessage: String? = null
771501501NotImplementedErrorThe called endpoint is not yet implemented. Check that the installed service version is correct.message: String? = "Not Implemented"
771503503ServiceUnavailableErrorService is unavailable for API calls. Check that data migration is finished. Wait couple of seconds, and retry again.message: String? = "Service Unavailable"
7711100404SaveServiceImagesNotFoundMissing Image resource while creating a Service. Check referenced Images in the Service is available."Images not found. Ids: ${inputImageReferenceIds.joinToString(",")}"
7711102404UpdateServiceImagesNotFoundMissing Image resource while updating a Service. Check referenced Images in the Service is available."Images not found. Ids: ${inputImageReferenceIds.joinToString(",")}"
7711103404ImageNotFoundMissing Image resource when requested. Check requested Image is available in the service."imageId $imageId on tenant $tenant not found"
7711104404ServiceNotFoundMissing Service resource when requested. Check requested Service resource is available in the service."Service $serviceId on tenant $tenant not found"
7711105404SaveSectionServiceNotFoundMissing Service resource while creating a Section. Check referenced Services in the Section is available."Services not found. Ids: ${services.joinToString(", ")}"
7711106404UpdateSectionServiceNotFoundMissing Service resource while updating a Section. Check referenced Services in the Section is available."Services not found. Ids: ${services.joinToString(", ")}"
7711107404SectionNotFoundMissing Section resource when requested. Check requested Section is available in the service."Section $sectionId on tenant $tenant not found"
7711108404SectionsNotFound"Section(s) ${sectionIds.joinToString(", ")} on tenant $tenant not found"
7711109404UpdateLayoutSectionsNotFoundMissing Section resource while updating a Layout. Check referenced Sections in the Layout is available."Sections not found. Ids: ${sections.joinToString(", ")}"
7711110500LayoutQueryExceptionException happened while executing Layout queries. Check the response for additional details.throwable.message
7711111500ServiceQueryExceptionException happened while executing Service queries. Check the response for additional details.throwable.message
7711112500CqrsMigrationExceptionException happened while migrating from CRUD to CQRS. Check the response for additional details.throwable.message
7714001400MissingRequiredFieldMissing required field in Json. Check the response for additional details."Missing required $location"
7714002400MalformedFieldMalformed field in Json. Check the response for additional details"Malformed $locationAndReason"
7714003400InvalidLocalizableImageReferenceJsonError happened on parsing a LocalizableImagetReference json. Check the response for additional details."Error parsing LocalizableImagetReference: <${error.message}>"
7714004400InvalidBannerJsonError happened on parsing a Banner json. Check the response for additional details."Error parsing Banner: <${error.message}>"
7715006500UndoErrorFailure while undoing the last event. Check the response for additional details."Can't undo last Event"
7715015500UnexpectedEventVersionExpected event version does not match with actual. Integrity check failure. Just retry an action."Expected event version $expected does not match with actual $actual"
7715024500CannotAcquireLockCannot acquire lock within timeout. Check if the pod is overloaded and needs more computing resources."Cannot acquire a lock within $acquireTimeout"
7715025500UndoOperationValidationCannot undo as the internal memory is not up-to-date. Please wait a little bit, and retry again"Internal memory version $undoVersion is not up-to-date with actual version $eventStorageVersion for undo operation"
7715026412VersionPreconditionFailedCannot execute request against expected version. Please wait a little bit, and retry again"Waiting for version $expectedVersion timed out"
7716006500UndoCommandNotImplementedErrorUndo operation for the respected event is not implemented yet. Check that the installed service version is correct."Undone for ${} is not implemented yet"
7716009404CommandNotFoundByVersionEvent with the given version was not found. Please check if the database content is correct."Command not found: version=$version"
771status.code()statusGenericHttpErrormessage ?: status.reasonPhrase()

Additional Details and Troubleshooting

Deprecated Errors Table

SubSystemErrorCodeHttp CodeNameDetails and TroubleshootingConsole Message
7715007500UnexpectedTenantMapEventDeprecated since 20.0.0"Unhandled Event $cqrsMessages"
7717001500KafkaWaitTimeoutDeprecated since 20.0.0"Event with ulid $ulid was not received"
7711113404HomescreenNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Homescreen $homescreenId on tenant $tenant not found"
7711114404AudienceNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Audience $audienceId not found on tenant $tenant"
7711115404HomescreensNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Homescreen $homescreenIds on tenant $tenant not found"
7711116400DefaultHomescreenCantChangeOrderMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Can not change order for Default Homescreens. Tenant $tenant"
7715000400SectionValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Section. All referenced service IDs must exist."
7715001400ServiceValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0message: String
7715002400BranchValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0message: String
7715003400WrongUlidSequenceMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Event $ulid with prev ulid $prevUlid has not match with the last known ulid $currentLastUlid"
7715004404BranchNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Branch $branch not found"
7715005404NoCommandsForUndoMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"No commands for Undo"
7715008500UnexpectedBranchMapEventMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Unhandled Event $cqrsEvent"
7715009500UnexpectedViewEventMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Unhandled Event $cqrsMessages"
7715010409LiveViewChangesNotSavedMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Changes on the current branch is not saved"
7715011400CyclicSectionsValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Cyclic sections are detected"
7715012400SectionValidationBySectionMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Section. All referenced section IDs must exist."
7715014400UlidParseErrorMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Can't parse ulid $msg"
7715016400HomescreenValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Homescreen. All referenced section IDs must exist."
7715017400HomescreenAudienceExistsValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Homescreen already contains audiences: $ids"
7715018400HomescreenAudienceNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Homescreen $homescreenId does not contain audience $audienceId"
7715019400HomescreenDefaultExistsMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Default Homescreen $homescreenId already exists"
7715020400HomescreenDefaultOperationNotAllowedMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"This operation not allowed with default Homescreen $homescreenId"
7715021400BannerImageValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Banner. All referenced images IDs must exist."
7715022400BannerServiceValidationMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Banner. Referenced service must exist."
7715023400SectionValidationByBannerMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Section. All referenced banner IDs must exist."
7715027400SectionValidationByImageMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Incomplete Section. All referenced image IDs must exist."
7716001404ServiceNotFoundCqrsMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Service $serviceId not found"
7716002404SectionNotFoundCqrsMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Section $serviceId not found"
7716003404TenantNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Tenant $tenant not found"
7716004404BranchExistsAlreadyMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Branch $branch in tenant $tenant exists already"
7716005404CommandNotFoundMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Command $ulid not found"
7716007404HomescreenNotFoundCqrsMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Homescreen $homescreenId not found"
7716008404BannerNotFoundCqrsMoved to cqrs-lib since 22.0.0"Banner $bannerId not found"

Error Codes between 1000-1099

These error codes are reserved for OIDC library which is basically related with authentication of tenants. If you see these errors, try to understand it from OIDC-Client library documentation. If not, contact with smartscreen team. There is a possibility of involvement of IDP in the problem-solving session.

Error Codes between 4001-4002

These error codes related with JSON parsing. Try to understand what is exactly failing from the response details. If not, contact with smartscreen team.

Error Codes between 7000-7999

These error codes are reserved for Smartscreen CQRS Library which is responsible everything about the CQRS pattern. If you see these errors, please check Smartscreen CQRS Library error codes documentation for better understanding. If not, contact with smartscreen team.