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KOBIL Configure Password

KOBIL Configure Password

This execution has the following main tasks to configure the user password on IDP Provider.


ProtocolOpenID Connect 1.0
HTTP methodGET
TypeBrowser Flow
EndpointAuthorization Endpoint
Flow SupportedAuthorization code flow
Implicit flow
Hybrid flow
ResponseID Token, Access Token, Refresh Token
Response Modequery, form_post, fragment

How to configure

To access the config of the execution press the Settings button and select Config. The authenticator configuration screen will appear. Then enter your config data.

KOBIL Configure Password


Parameters involved in KOBIL Configure Password execution
IDUnique system UUID, which will be assigned automatically to record in a database.
AliasName for the overall configured configurations which occurs in particular authenticator. (Example: Configure Password).
Authentication Flow TypeType of flow for which the authenticator is used. (Example: Registration)
ACR valueThis ACR value will be set in the end, if verification succeeds.
AMR valueThis AMR value will be set in the end, if verification succeeds.
Password Page TitleConfigure the content to be displayed in the title on the Password Page.
Password Page HeaderConfigure the content to be displayed in the header on the Password Page.
Validate old passwordChecks the old and current password while configuring the password.
Disable Brute force for Old password fieldChecks if an incorrect old password is entered.
Disable Brute force general error pageIf enabled brute force error message shows customised theme page. Else, brute force general error page will be displayed.
Disable Confirm Password FieldEnable to enter password for password confirmation while configuring password.
Skip if password existsThe authenticator is skipped if the password is already configured for the user.
Skip Recent Password ValidationThe current password will not be set as new password if the condition is true.
Password Validation Error Page HeaderConfigure message to be displayed for password validation error.
Show Success Page ScreenEnable to show success page in the flow.
Success Page TitleText will be displayed in the success page title.
Success Page DescriptionText will be displayed in success page body.
Success Page ActionSelect the option to which flow to be continued after the success page.
Redirect URL after SuccessConfigure URL to redirect after the success flow. Execute only when redirect option is selected from Success Page Action configuration.
Auth Flow Cancel Deep linkConfigure deep link to redirect when user abort's the flow.
New Password PlaceHolderConfigure the text to be displayed in the placeholder of the new password field.
Password Page Submit Button CaptionConfigure the submit button caption of the password page.
JSON ScriptJSON to display inputs in Headless V2 theme.
Clear user sessionsEnable this option, users will be automatically logged out after changing their password. The skipLogout key is used to retain the ongoing user session for specific client IDs after a password change, other sessions will be cleared.

KOBIL Configure Password

User Flow

Execution Flow

This execution contains the following main steps:

  1. It is mandatory that KOBIL Configure Password must be preceded by another Authenticator, since it procures username from this precedent authenticator. For instance: KOBIL Verify User Identity for user identification.
  2. User provides current password.
  3. User is requested to update the new password and confirm the same.
KOBIL Configure Password flow